19 Of Your Fave Celebs Eating Fast Food

Celebrities are pretty much always on a diet, but they’re also pretty much always on a mission to prove that no matter how many millions they make or how many paparazzi follow them around, they’re still normal af.

So when cheat day rolls around, there’s nothing celebs love more than chowing down on fast food.

Or at least posing with it for the gram.

Maybe they have a sponsorship deal, maybe their manager told them it would be good for their image, or maybe they just genuinely love the taste of fresh saturated fat in their mouth.

The world may never know exactly how much food actually travels through any given celeb’s digestive tract, but here are 19 celebs who at least pretended to eat fast food.

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1. Selena Gomez

My lil sis is finally 21!!! You know what that means….. Taco cake! #turnup

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What better way to celebrate the fact that you’re FINALLY able to legally black out than by getting a cake made out of your favorite drunk food – tacos from Jack in the Box!

2. Drew Barrymore

Post Golden globes pregnant pizza after party !!!!! #waitedallnight #canteatfastenough #mulberrypizzarules

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Drew Barrymore doesn’t always eat pizza, but when she does it’s after the awards show where everybody gets drunk af.

Drunk quinoa just doesn’t taste the same as drunk za.

3. Miley Cyrus

Miley may be a vegan, but there’s no rule against soda!

4. Emma Roberts

Snack before the globes

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TBH isn’t it always a good time for In-N-Out?

5. Beyonce

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I bet you $100 Beyonce stared at this hamburger until the heat of her superhuman gaze reduced it to a compostable heap she paid somebody to clean up.

6-7. Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid


better talk nice

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Sometimes, even models get hungry.

READ ALSO: Kris Jenner Forced Weekly Manicures on Her Tween Daughters

8. Hilary Duff

Please pull up next to me right now! It’ll be funny…. For u…. Not me!

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IDK what’s going on in this caption, but at least Hilary seems like she’s having fun.

Good for you, Lizzie.

9. Rihanna

A taste of Heauxm #Barbados #Chefette #IslandGal

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May no man ever get between a bad gal and her nugget.

10-11. Kim and Kanye

Double date at the Waffle House

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Damn!!! I spoke too soon! My 1st pregnancy craving! #InNOut #EnjoyingEveryBite

A post shared by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

Kim Kardashian LOVES cheese.

12-13. Cara and Jourdan

My food is faster than yours!!! #fashionweekdietplan @officialjdunn

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Great. Even fast food can’t wait to get in a model’s pants.

14. Heidi Klum

Was it really a great meal, Heidi? Or did you just get a great deal for promoting it?

15. Anna Kendrick


Anna Kendrick is just a scrappy little taco princess.

16-19. Khloe, Kourtney, Kris and Kylie

that’s just how we do it 👸🏻👸🏼

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A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Yummmmm!! I couldn’t wait!!! Popeyes on the PJ!!! Cheat day but it’s so worth it!!!

A post shared by Khloé (@khloekardashian) on


A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

jordyns like .. don’t do it bitch!

A post shared by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

They have to fill those butts somehow.

Gimme More POP

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