9 Reasons Not To Wash Your Hair Every Day
We are all for lazy-girl beauty routines and products.
We’d probably choose a stylish hat over brushing our hair, we love anything that has multiple purposes and if we weren’t so worried about the state of our skin – we’d probably sleep in our makeup just to get that extra 15 minutes of snooze every morning.
We hardly needed one reason not to wash our hair everyday, but Shhhowercap hooked us up with Wonderland Beauty Parlor hairstylist Carli Van Voorhis who gave us 9 totally legit reasons not to.
Next time you’re feeling less than enthusiastic about washing your hair – don’t. Skipping a wash may be just what your hair needs to become stronger and healthier.
1. Although many shampoos claim to be “sulfate-free” – some still contain minor levels of Sulfates. Sulfates strip the hair of all oils – including the good ones. Sodium laureth sulfates – which are found in most dishwashing soaps – are the strongest level and should be avoided at all costs. Think about it – they’re meant to break down heavy lipids such as animal fats which makes them way too strong and damaging for our hair.
2. Scalp care is skincare so washing the hair everyday can leave you with a dry and tight scalp. Skipping a wash every other day will help your oil levels balance out to a healthy place.
3. After getting a color service, it’s best to go at least three days before a wash because the color is still settling into your hair. By giving it that time, you’re ensuring that the color is going to last.
4. After your color sets, you want to preserve the tone of your hair and it’s simple: the more you wash – the more your color is affected. This is particularly true for blondes and any on-trend, bright-color hairdos like mermaid hair.
5. Treat your hair like it’s a fabric – you wouldn’t wash and iron your favorite top everyday, would you? Excessive use of hot tools can leave hair brittle and dry.
6. Curly haired girls can and should wash their hair even less frequently than any other hair texture. Washing hair every day will lead to frizzy texture.
7. We’ve already determined that shampoo can strip oils from the hair and dry it out but the water can also be very drying to hair – especially hot water. Sometimes, it’s best to not even get hair wet and just tuck it into a shower cap – better yet, a Shhhowercap.
Shhhowercap is the the modern day twist on the traditional shower cap and we swear, it’s cute enough to wear in public.
8. Besides the heat damage factor, who actually wants to blow out their hair every day? Recycle your look – throw your hair into a top knot, slick it back into a sleek, tight pony tail or add a dry texture spray to add volume to the hair.
9. If you insist on washing your hair everyday, you are actually asking your body to create more scalp oil. When you constantly strip your skin / scalp of necessary oils, the body over compensates and produces more oils. Yes, believe it or not, your hair is oily because you are (over) washing it.