WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: Nov. 21-27, 2016
Welcome to Galore horoscopes, where we’ll advise you on whether to expect drama, chill vibes, hot sex, or all of the above over the coming week.
Peep your sign’s seven-day forecast, starting Monday and ending the following Sunday, below. Pro tip: instead of your sun sign, make sure to read your rising sign as it’s far more accurate.
The sun is moving into fellow fire sign Sagittarius, your expansive 9th house, Sagittarius is the sign associated with foreign travel & languages. You may be taking a little weekend trip, but I feel like what you really would want to do, is to escape to a tropical island far, far away. Why not? Go for it, if work or school allows you to take some time off. Try to sign up for some meditation as well, since the 9th house is associated with higher forms of spirituality. Have faith in the bigger picture of life.
Be careful with alcohol and drugs during this week’s festivities. Expansive Jupiter is forming a harsh square with the lord of darkness, Pluto. You may have to make a decision related to your personal relationships versus your career.
With the sun moving into your financial sector and house of other people’s money, you may decide to start paying off your debts and put an end to your financial mistakes, so you can start fresh and save up funds for the future.
Around Thanksgiving, Jupiter will be harshly squaring transformative Pluto.
You may have to make a decision concerning your daily job or routine. Think before you act.
The sun will be in Sagittarius your opposite sign, which means the focus will be on your partnerships. Are you going to be in full control or are you ready to let go and relax a little? Your choice.
You and your partner might take it a step further now or a relationship could also come to an end. Either way, no reason to get worried. The Sagittarius sun is the luckiest Sun. Even if it doesn’t feel good at first, whatever happens, will have a positive outcome! Look forward to a magnificent week. May your wildest dreams come true!
Your bosses might have been over demanding the past few weeks. You‘ve been working really hard and it could be that with the sun moving into your daily work sector more projects could be on the way. Your nervous system may feel a little overloaded. So take care of your health right now, I know it’s hard since you keep working late and have so much on your plate. No doubt you went through a period of stress since you are part of so many projects currently, and you wouldn’t ever disappoint your team and drop out. Make sure you eat a healthy diet.
A tense square around Thanksgiving between Jupiter and Pluto may stir up sh*t with you and your other half. Stay calm and don’t be afraid of change.
Leo you sexy beast, you have an intense but lucky and fun filled week coming up, thanks to the sun moving into Sagittarius. The sign Sagittarius has the same element as you, fire, and urges you to take risks in your romantic life. A creative project might come to fruition now. It could be a creative project that will help you make money.
Around Thanksgiving, there could be some tension between you and your siblings around the holidays. Also, don’t drink and drive.
Expansive Jupiter is forming a harsh square to the lord of darkness, Pluto.
The good news: Lucky Jupiter is touring your 3rd house of media and publishing! What a banging week, Leo.
This Monday, the bright sun enters Sagittarius, your 4th house of family and home. This is the most positive planetary vibe to have during the holidays. It could also be very likely now, that you update your residential situation.
If not, try to use your energy to renovate your home, paint your walls or rearrange your living room. Turn your shack into the palace you deserve to live in.
Jupiter is forming harsh aspects to extreme Pluto. Don’t overspend during the holidays.
The rad sun is moving into Sagittarius, your 3rd house of communication and siblings. On the weekend you might be receiving marvelous news from your sis or bro. Sweet. If you happen to work in advertising or the media, a project could be reaching its peak now. The Sagittarius sun is a very positive one and likes to explore. When the sun transits through your 3rd house, which is also associated with short distance travel, it could happen, that you’ll leave town for the weekend. Enjoy!
With the dynamic Sagittarius sun entering your 2nd house of money and income, the main topic for you will be money. There is no other sign as determined as you when channeling your energy towards something. The second you focus your mind on a matter, you not only think about it, you obsess. Money will be consuming your mind.
You might hunt down the people that still owe you money. I really don’t wish that to anybody, since you can get super psycho about it. You will fight for your money until the bitter end, no matter the consequences. Don’t get me wrong. It is your right. Hey, we all work hard for our money. That is why usually you don’t like lending people things, because you know that there is barely anyone you can fully trust.
Expansive Jupiter will be harshly squaring your ruler Pluto. You might have been hiding problems from yourself. Around Thanksgiving, you could end up finding out about your deepest issues, maybe through a family member.
Happiest of birthdays, you sexy thing!! Exactly, the bright and hot Sun will be moving into YOUR sign this week! You will be the superstar of the month with full cosmic support. Good vibrations all the way, Sagg!
This month is bringing a supreme positive energy that will make you feel ultra fulfilled.
Opportunities should be coming to you easily this week. You probably heard it a million times already, but you are the luckiest sign of the zodiac! Get wild!
Your ruler Jupiter is harshly squaring compulsive Pluto. You may end up spending all of your money or not, depending on how many friends will take care of you during your birthday season.
Try not to indulge too much in alcohol or drugs during the Sagittarius season. We know you can handle your drinks, but you’ll be much more sensitive to substances with the current solar energy. Try and do something creative instead, as you might discover hidden talents.
Make sure to write down whatever you dream about these nights, since ideas that come up in your dreams, could be the next big thing. When the sun lights up the subconscious like this any kind of secrets can come as a surprise to you.
Sagittarius is the zodiac’s most exotic sign, so when the sun tours Sagg it hits your social 11th house. The 11th house is also known as the house of dreams and goals. The fiery Sagittarian energy might urge you to take big risks, to go after what your heart desires. Go bold and make your dreams a reality. It is important to communicate your desires with your closest peers. If everybody is aware of what you want, it is easier for them to support you fully. Jupiter will be forming harsh aspects to obsessive Pluto. An event might force you to change your beliefs. Some changes don’t feel good at first. Be open.
This week you will have the bright sun in Sagittarius, your reputation sector. HOLLA! This might be your big break! You are shining bright like a diamond, attracting all kinds of VIPs that can assist you in reaching even higher and touching the sky. Your love life should be sweet too, since you are having such a magnetic aura, and there are plenty of admirers, just waiting for you to choose. Damn, Pisces!
During the holidays you could end up having a tense situation related to other people’s money.