Welcome to Galore horoscopes, where we’ll advise you on whether to expect drama, chill vibes, hot sex, or all of the above over the coming week.

Peep your sign’s seven-day forecast, starting Monday and ending the following Sunday, below. Pro tip: instead of your sun sign, make sure to read your rising sign as it’s far more accurate.


Jovial Jupiter having been retrograde for almost five months in your sixth house has turned your attention to health, work, and routine. You might have been working on various projects, which were suddenly coming into your life from all walks of life. Now when Jupiter turns direct you’ll be able to get all the rewards for your hard work! Hurray!

The direct Jupiterian energy will help you have limitless energy, but don’t forget to eat or sleep. Even though this is such a lucky period for you and your health, make sure to stack up on vitamin C pills to boost your immune system, as you might feel so good you end up overworking yourself. On the other side if you want to quit a bad habit like smoking, you will have full cosmic support to do so. Jupiter brings plenty of new job opportunities. Just look around and you’ll see. Seize the opportunities. Hell yeah!




Damn Taurus! Jupiter the planet of good luck is turning direct in your fellow earth sign Virgo, which rules your 5th house of romance, lust and creativity. Lucky Jupiter in that sector is making you more sensual than ever. Astrologically this is the most fun place to have Jupiter transiting in. The fun just never stops. Be careful though, when Jupiter is in your 5th house chances for pregnancy are pretty high. If you plan on having a baby, good for you. If not, make sure to be extra careful when you get sexually active, especially when you’re having a wild one night stand. Artwork or creative projects you have been working on over the past months, might get exposure now. Remember, whatever powerful Jupiter touches, it expands. (The astro Midas touch) Your creativity is on a high and you’ll be creating, non stop. Nobody can stop you, now. It’s perfect timing to launch any of your creative projects. If people aren’t in love with you already, they’ll definitely will be falling head over heels, from this week on. I doubt anybody can resist that Taurean charm.




Home oh so sweet, home. Generous Jupiter is turning direct in your 4th house of home and family. This is a beautiful time to expand your house or living situation.

Astrologically, this is the best ever transit if you plan to invest in real estate or buy a new property. Remember the next time Jupiter will be touring that domestic sector of your chart, will only be in 12 years time! So, go big, or go home, Gemini!

It is a lucky period to spend some quality time with siblings and family, in general. Jupiter rules your 7th house of other people and relationships. Chances are that you might be moving in with your significant other now or even invest in a home together. Please wait until Mercury turns direct, before signing any kind of contract. All in all, you are especially happy to receive friends and relatives at your house. Maybe throw a dinner party, as you’ll be a superb host. If there were any family disputes in the past, they should be pleasantly resolved during this transit.




You might have recently landed a job related to media, where you were finally able to reach out into the world with your magical words, thanks to lucky Jupiter traveling through your 3rd house of communication and publishing. If you thought things were already going superb for you, you will be positively surprised. Jupiter was retrograde for almost 5 months and this Monday he’ll finally be turning direct, which means you are going to get a massive exposure for all the work you’ve been doing. You totally deserve it Cancer, since you fully commit and pour all of your heart into your work and personal projects.

It’s a magnificent time period to go back to school. At this moment your mind is like a sponge and  you are really good at learning new things. Or reverse the roles, you could be the teacher, since you are such a joyful communicator with Jupiter influencing you. Unfortunately this is also a time period where you can become a huge procrastinator, since everything works out so well for you that you become over confident and don’t start your assignments in time. The 3rd house also rules transport and trips. If you always wanted a car, now would be an excellent time to find a good deal. Jupiter has so many gifts for you. Friends might randomly call you up to leave town for the weekend. Go for it and explore.




This Monday, abundant Jupiter will finally turn direct in your 2nd house of income, money and possessions, bringing increased financial opportunities. Jupiter being the ruler of your creative 5th house, you might find a new way of earning money. With your creative mind, I mean, who would doubt that? You are ruled by the bright sun, the center of our solar system. Don’t worry if one source of your income might shut down now, Jupiter sometimes closes doors to open new and better ones. Just look at Leo Kylie Jenner, she might not be a supermodel like Kendall, but she is making a whole lot of cash with all of her makeup products and other ventures. Since you have a lot of money coming in right now, be careful not to overindulge or overspend. Leos are the most generous with their friends, don’t feel like you have to spend all your money on them. They will love you, either way.




Jupiter, a.k.a the luckiest planet, which is touring your sign right now, will be turning direct this week! YES! Virgo you lucky bitch, that means you’ll have the most exuberant energy, full force, of the entire zodiac.

Jupiter in the 1st house of self, reminds us that we might have been underestimating our capabilities. Optimistic Jupiter is shouting: believe in yourself ! have faith and make your dreams a reality. This is your moment to act. Jupiter will be leaving your sign early September this year. It’s going to take 12 long years for it to be back in your sign ! Use that lucky Jupierian light beam wisely and live life to the fullest. I know you want to. Jupiter being the ruler of your 4th house, it could even happen that you move to a different, foreign city. I feel so many good vibes for you. Go Virgo!




With abundant Jupiter in your 12th house of the  higher self, you’ll feel the urge to connect with something greater than yourself. You will keep much to yourself but no worries others will be bewitched by your mysterious vibe. Jupiter is the  ruler of your 3rd house, so you might be reading a lot and learning new things and therefore increasing your spirituality. It is an excellent time to do anything related to meditation and yoga. Explore eastern approaches for soul healing. If you finally want to end a bad habit, now is a wonderful time to do so, since the 12th house is associated with endings. Your subconscious mind is very strong right now so there is no better time to overcome deep seated issues. You will feel as light as a feather as soon as this transit is over. Early September expansive Jupiter will be moving into your sign and you are going to begin a whole new cycle. You might develop psychic powers now and experience some kind of spiritual experiences. Remember, true happiness comes from within.  




When Jupiter transits through your 11th of your social network and dreams, it increases your need for faith and confidence in life. You might make new friends, the lucky ones, who can really help you advance in your career or simply inspire you to transcend to a higher spiritual plane.

Jupiter is the planet of good luck. You can reach your biggest dreams – take action now. You‘ve been slowly rising and while Jupiter was retrograde for almost 5 months you were turning your energy more inward. The vulcano is ready to erupt. From this week on bombastic Jupiter will be turning direct! BANG! Jupiter rules your 12th house of the unconscious, so any buried issues – you’ve been even hiding from yourself might be solved now. Maybe through advice of one of your new influential friends. Merge that energy with last week’s supermoon, which took place in your 7th house of all kinds of relationships. Other people can make you extremely powerful now. That’s what friends are for.




Your ruling planet, Jupiter, also known as the great benific, is turning direct this week, after being in sleep mode, for almost 5 months! Sh*t! You’ll be bombarded with so many phenomenal news now! With the super powerful and luckiest Jupiter in your 10th house of career and reputation, somebody might actually discover you and reach out to collaborate or hire you! You may gain a new top notch status. Maybe even world status! 

Jupiter will be traveling your career sector until early September. Professional success and your reputation will keep growing all summer long. Career wise you have been making many silent moves, while your ruling planet was retrograde. Through Jupiter’s finest vibes you could become the new hit, everyone will be talking about. People are going to be looking up to you. and be magnetically attracted to your exuberant energy. Respect, Sag.




Just as we need your ruling planet Saturn for structure and slow but steady progress, we also need Jupiter to remind us that if we don’t take bold risks every now and then and expand ourselves, we’ll miss out on the biggest opportunities. Jupiter is turning direct this week after being retrograde for almost five months! Jupiter is transiting through your ninth house, which already is the Jupiterian House. Double Jupiter for you, Cappy. You might be expanding yourself through foreign studies, a new language, or travel even. This is such a prosperous period for you. Jupiter has been retrograde and while you learned a lot new things you weren’t really ready to apply them. Thankfully you are a very patient sign, sometimes even too patient.  As soon as Jupiter turns direct, you will go out there and make your dreams a reality. You might decide to go back to school or drop out to grow spiritually. You might get an opportunity to travel to a long distance destination. A spiritual awakening will commence this week. You might change your whole course of life. Expect the unexpected!




This week, Jupiter the planet of wealth, turns direct in your 8th house of shared finances, sex and deep intimacy. The lucky planet will stay direct in that sector of your chart until early September. Think about money you share with others. If you’re married, you might get lucky and your partner is going to receive a big sum of money. Jupiter in your 8th house is opening the door for new opportunities to earn money and at the same time a chance to share and open up emotionally with your special someone. Money could come to you now, as a result of any kind of relationship, be it through your partner or a family member. Thanks to grand Jupiter, it is a time of increased sexual intimacy and psychological understanding between you and your sweetie. Your sex life becomes more satisfying. Jupiter brings spirituality into your sex life. Sex is more than just physical, it’s a spiritual act. What a steamy, hot week for you Aquarius.





Lucky Jupiter is turning direct in your 7th house of other people. If single, you might meet somebody new, who will sweep you off your feet. It will be somebody who inspires you, brings you out of your rut, basically somebody who makes you want more out of life and most importantly makes you believe in yourself. On the other side, if you’ve been in a draining relationship for way too long, Jupiter is going to help you to finally break it off. The only “problem” that you might be facing is, that there are too many options for you out there. Whatever Jupiter touches, it expands. Several people are interested in your companionship and want to spend time with you. If you’ve been in a happy fulfilling relationship, now could be the time for a fortunate marriage, but please wait for Mercury to turn direct, before signing any kind of contracts. All in all, any kinds of relationships might bring you benefits now.


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