WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: July 4 to 10, 2016

Welcome to Galore horoscopes, where we’ll advise you on whether to expect drama, chill vibes, hot sex, or all of the above over the coming week.

Peep your sign’s seven-day forecast, starting Monday and ending the following Sunday, below. Pro tip: instead of your sun sign, make sure to read your rising sign as it’s far more accurate.


It should turn out to be a prosperous week for you, dear Aries. Mars your ruler isn’t retrograde anymore, thank goodness! You can really focus your full body and mind on action and going after what you desire.

This 4th of July a beautiful new moon in Cancer falls into your 4th house of family and home. The new moon is great for a little magic and make your wishes come true. Remodel your home and spent some quality time with your family. Focus on building inner security and re-growing inner self love in order to be more stable and independent.

Start by throwing away all of your clutter. Don’t cling onto material possessions. Like Buddha said: “The best things in life aren’t things.” Surrender, detach, release them and your new moon wishes shall come true.

Mercury the planet of the mind, together with the bright sun, which represents your ego will be opposing Pluto the lord of darkness which is currently touring through your 10th house of career and reputation.

A huge career transformation might force you to change your living situation. You feel like you need more space and freedom in order to grow or if you are still living with your parents, it could mean that you no longer can stand living at home. All you want is to break free.



New Moons = new beginnings! July first marked half of 2016. If you still would like to turn your year around there is no better planetary event than a new moon to kick start into the last 6 months of the year! Make them count!

The new moon in Cancer falls into your 3rd house of communication, which should be on a high right now, with all these planetary bodies dancing in there. Start a new skill. It is an excellent time to get into all kinds of social media apps. You now have the power and creativity to increase your followers and likes, if you wish so.

Believe that with newness comes new possibilities.

A Mercury/Sun combo, which represents your mind & ego will be opposing transformative Pluto, which is currently touring through your 9th house of career and reputation. You won’t be satisfied with superficial communication anymore. You want to hang out with people who value similar if not the same belief systems.



Cash rules everything around you, dollar dollar bill y’all. This cancer new moon falls into your 2nd house of money and income. It is the best time to start a new financial plan. Why not get one of these apps to check your expenses. Look for opportunities to increase your income. Believe that new possibilities exist for you, too.

Mercury the planet of the mind, together with the bright sun, which represents your ego will be opposing transformative Pluto currently touring through your 8th house of deep sexuality and shared money.

A change in an inheritance you thought you were receiving or simply a cut in a source of money from even a group project might change your income situation a little. Don’t panic, since with your brilliant mind you’ll always come up with the best ideas.



Happy new moon in your sign, dear Cancer! Click the restart button! The Moon is your planetary ruler, forget about January 1st, this is your day to reboot and start a completely new cycle. Align your body, mind and spirit to manifest what you want. Since there are so many planets in Cancer right now you are acting less shy.

It’s the new moon à make a wish. Feel and show gratitude. Always see, feel & be the love you desire.

Enchanting Venus in your sign is forming a tense aspect to surprise Planet Uranus in your 10th house of reputation. Unforeseen career news could shake up your ego a little now. Don’t forget that the planets work out in our favor and that in the end we will get what we truly want.

Mercury the planet of the mind and the bright sun, which represents your ego will be opposing Pluto the lord of darkness which is currently touring through your 7th house of relationships and partners.

A romantic partnership could consume you now and transform your whole being. Jealousies and power plays either from you or your partner could unfortunately be part of your experience. It could be hard for you to distinguish between love and obsession.



In contrast of always being in the spotlight be it with friends or strangers, this new moon in cancer, you will be working more behind the scenes.

Soon the sun and a bunch of planets will be moving into your sign and you will be the center of attention. So use this time wisely to relax, recharge and spend some quality time with yourself or your pets. Clear your mind and explore your subconscious. Relax, believe and let go.

The new moon is great for a little magic to make your wishes come true

With rebellious Uranus transiting through your 9th house of the higher mind you keep reevaluating your belief systems. Really try to do Yoga now, since you could be having a spiritual epiphany with Uranus aspecting Venus which represents your values and is currently touring through your 12th hidden house of the unconscious.

Try to make meditation part of your daily routine to really get the best benefits. Since Pluto is currently touring through your 6th house of habits and health.



With the new moon in compassionate Cancer, you are more emotional with your friends and that is beautiful. You always try to please everybody, but this way you can emotionally open up easier, thanks to the lunar energies. The 11th house is also the house of dreams. Dream big & manifest. Make your wishes a reality. Trust in the synchronistic events unfolding.

Creative projects or a romantic love affair could consume you now, giving you less time to interact with friends and groups or even changing your ways and what you value in your friends. You are looking for something deeper and profounder in a group now.



Your career month is still going strong. You are getting an extra lunar boost with the new moon falling into your 10th house of reputation. Set your dreams in motion. Plant seeds of intentions in everything you do and say and allow yourself to believe. You will get the respect you richly deserve. You will get cooperation from superiors. You can make great progress professionally.

Your ruling planet Venus will be squaring rebel Planet Uranus, which is currently touring through your 7th house of relationships and other people. Uranus has been shaking up your ground for quite some time. You might have surprises related to relationships or business partners. Don’t act on it right away and definitely don’t sign any contracts this week.

Mercury the planet of the mind, together with the bright sun, which represents your ego will be opposing basement planet Pluto, which is currently touring through your sacred 4th house of home and family. Transformations or a crisis at home or with your family could impact your career reputation now. Remember without darkness we would not be able to see the stars.



There is an exotic new moon falling into your 9th house of the higher mind. Long distance travel is on your cards or if you can’t leave town, maybe it is time to start getting into Buddhism? You feel like exploring a new belief system or even becoming a vegetarian. Try an exotic cuisine or foreign language. New moons are powerful, write down your goals, dreams and wishes.

Feel good Venus will be forming a tense aspect to rebel planet Uranus. Check your health as there might be surprises coming up, it’s probably not something serious but a medical issue that could influence your travels. You are not a superficial talker nor are you interested in small talk. But this week double Mercury Sun opposition to your ruler lord of darkness Pluto might have you obsess and get even deeper while you converse with others. It would not be wise to hang out with shallow people this week.



This could be a very sexually rewarding week. The new moon in Cancer this Monday is hitting a powerful spot in your chart. It’s either about money or sex. I know you live for the moment, but if you have debts, make a plan to pay them back. You crave for more spiritual sex and want to try new ways to experiment. You might be evaluating your ideas of intimacy.

With a stellium of planets, not only the New Moon still in your 8th house you are projecting a darker, more mysterious but very sexy aura.

At this new moon plant a seed for the universe to tend. Your boundless energy and optimism will help you set your vision upon the star.

Pleasure seeking Venus in your 8th house will be forming a tense aspect to Uranus in your 5th house, which also rules children.  Surprise pregnancy news could come up if you’ve been too wild lately.

Mercury the planet of the mind, together with the bright sun, which represents your ego will be opposing Pluto the lord of darkness which is currently touring through your 2nd house values and possessions. Deep sexual encounters could really influence your values now. A dark matter could be obsessing your mind and ego.



For the whole month pretty much you have been focusing on one on one relationship. This Monday the new moon in Cancer marks a new beginning for you and especially your companion. It’s like a new fresh year for your relationships. It would be a beautiful time to re-new marriage vows, that is how refreshing this new lunar energy feels. Growth in relationship might come easier now. Welcome abundance, growth and transformation. If you celebrate your love this Monday with a new moon ritual, I promise you, that the rest of the week and the planetary energies won’t feel as heavy.

Later in the week, cray planet Uranus will be forming a tense aspect to loving Venus currently in your house of home. Some surprises in your living situation might bring some tenseness to relationships with others. Uranus is known as the rebel planet that likes to shake things up, in order to have more freedom and independence.

Watch out for communication planet Mercury & the Sun opposing darkness planet Pluto. Something your partner talks to you about might deeply transform you. Don’t be scared as it might be intense at first. A power play could be going on as well, which can be sexy sometimes.



Happy new moon in Cancer, the best new moon placement to have if you want to kick start your habits, dear Aquarius! It’s a wonderful time to introduce new beginnings, projects and desires you wish for. This Cancer new moon falls into your 6th house of daily habits, routines and health.

The other good news is, that during the new moon we tend to feel less bloated. Yay!

The new moon is the perfect time to manifest what you wish to have in your life.

Venus will be squaring your ruler Uranus which is currently touring through your 3rd house of communication. Some weirdness might bubble up while conversing.

A Mercury/Sun- mind/ego combo which is currently beaming through your 6th house of health and routine, will be opposing unconscious Pluto in your secretive unconscious 12th house. Double unconscious energies stir up synchronistic events. A daily situation might turn dark. Don’t be scared of transformation. You won’t be satisfied with superficial communication anymore. You want to hang out with people who value similar, if not the same belief systems.



Time for a new summer romance? Happy 4th of July ! Happy new moon! Start a new creative adventure or any project related to children, since this beautiful nurturing new moon falls into your 5th house of creativity, true love and offspring.

If in a relationship, this is a great time to freshen up and bring some spice into it. You are going to feel like a teenager again. Fertility is also highlighted during this new moon. So if you are not planning on making any children make sure to be careful while you are having all this fun.

Anyway the new moon is a wonderful period to wish all your dreams and desires up into the air.

Watch out for financial up and downs, due to surprise planet Uranus forming a tense square to Venus which might put a break on your fun zone.

Mercury the planet of the mind, together with the bright sun, which represents your ego will be opposing Pluto the lord of darkness which is currently touring through your 11th house of friends & dreams.

You might encounter somebody intense that will influence your creative projects or maybe a dream will make you consume your passions.

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