WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: July 25-31, 2016

Welcome to Galore horoscopes, where we’ll advise you on whether to expect drama, chill vibes, hot sex, or all of the above over the coming week.

Peep your sign’s seven-day forecast, starting Monday and ending the following Sunday, below. Pro tip: instead of your sun sign, make sure to read your rising sign as it’s far more accurate.


This week logical Mercury will enter Virgo, your sixth house of order and routine, which will give you a mental boost and help you plan out your activities. If you’ve been overindulging, this is a great time to properly plan out your day, detox or introduce a new healthy diet.

There is another very important planetary transit this week. Uranus the planet of non-conformity will be turning retrograde. The keywords for Uranus are: disruption, revolution and most importantly change. In astrology, this is the most unpredictable planet of our solar system. In 2011 Uranus has entered your sign and will be disrupting but at the same time making you more independent and individual than ever. Uranus will only leave your sign in 2018, so enjoy the ride and get your freak on.

When this planet turns retrograde you will be attracted to the weirdest and most unusual things, but overall during retrograde period there will be an inward kind of change and stimulation. The goal of Uranus is to find yourself and be true to yourself.



Expressive Mercury moves into Virgo, your fifth house of fun and games, which will make you extra creative. Use your hands to craft or paint. If in a relationship, you will want to chat and exchange new ideas with your partner. Sexy time starts in your head this week.

What is going on? Unpredictable, rebel planet Uranus is traveling through your 12th house of the unconscious. It’s been in that sector of your chart since 2011. The danger of this planetary transit is that you might hide your originality and inner genius, even more so when Uranus turns retrograde this week. The best thing for you to do now, if you haven’t yet, is trying to incorporate a meditation routine into your weekly schedule. Through yoga or t’ai chi, you’ll be able to crack the inner open and release your genius, just like Aladdin and his magical lamp. Don’t hide. The world needs your beautiful creativity.


You are ruled by Mercury, so you really need mental stimulation. When Mercury is in Virgo your mercurial sister, the current planetary energy flows favor you.

With exciting Mercury in your fourth house of home, people might randomly stop by your house and exchange ideas as you are such a fine conversationalist right now. It is also a lovely time to catch up with your parents or your siblings over some fruity summer wine.

When rebellious Uranus travels through your 11th house you tend to attract the craziest but certainly most interesting friends ever. This week Uranus turns retrograde, which will want you to reconsider a friendship which you thought was over or simply you could be bumping into old friends thanks to retrograde.


Since 2011 you might have had some radical career changes, not quite knowing what to fully focus on, since you have so many interests and talents. Cancer being a water sign, you can merge into any kind of job you wish to have. When unpredictable Uranus turns retrograde in your 10th house of career and reputation, you might go back into a job or hobby you thought you said goodbye to ages ago. If you have a boss, they might be mental and crazy but very artistic. As long as we can laugh about life and not take everything too serious, everything will be fine.

Messenger planet Mercury is in its natural base in the third house of communication. Whatever conversations you plan on having, they are going to run ultra smooth. Plus, so many original ideas will pop into your head now. Are you thinking about taking a short trip? In general, it’s a favorable time now to learn a new skill or study. What a great planetary energy for your summer.


Talk about changing the beliefs you were raised with. When rebel planet Uranus turns retrograde in your ninth house of the higher mind, you are more likely to radically change your beliefs. It could also happen that you quit studying in order to pursue a course that fits you more. You might be questioning, what is education? Who should I believe in? Should I travel in order to expand my mind or stick to traditional methods?

You’ll be more charming than ever and super pro-fashion-al! With clever Mercury moving into classy Virgo, your second house of finances, dollar signs will be on your mind more than usual, therefore, you could be thinking of new strategies to improve your income. Soon you’ll be able to buy the precious things you wished for so dearly.


The Fifty Shades of Grey vibes are back. Eccentric Uranus is retrograding in your eighth house of deep sexuality and shared values. It is all about taboo breaking and exploring your raw sexuality. One day you’ll want to indulge in kinky games the next day you’ll be bored and instead feel like doing it in the woods. Virgo is not as virginal as everybody thinks, with Uranus in the mix you are a real rebel. Sexy.

Uranus wants to know why and Mercury in Virgo is very detail-oriented. Merge in that fiery Leo energy of speaking up and the dramatic flair – you’ll have a more intense week mentally. That is just the way you like it, since you are ruled by Mercury, so you really need to get turned on mentally as well. No problem, since your planet of the mind will enter your personal planet. You’ll be the master mind of the zodiac – the walking encyclopedia.



Have you been attracting rebels or people you might not always understand? Since 2011 revolutionary Uranus has been touring your seventh house of relationships and other people. Relationships may have started or ended out of the blue.  This week the unpredictable planet turns retrograde, meaning that a lover from the past could resurface out of nowhere now. Uranus is a hard transit for peace loving Libras, since the lesson is to have more independent unconventional partnerships. The good news are that through a partner you can really find your inner genius. You won’t have to be scared to be freaky, since you will have full support from your partner.

Mental Mercury will be moving into your 12th house of the unconscious and hidden treasures. It’s an excellent time to eliminate mental baggage of any old issues that may have come up. Your energy turns inward, which is often very beneficial. Don’t let others distract you from your inward search.



Ground shaker planet Uranus shows the way you seek freedom and how you express your individuality. When it hits your sixth house of daily routines and health, 9-to-5 jobs are really not for you anymore, especially since 2011. Your health can also have extreme up and downs, good and bad. Like you could quit a bad habit out of nowhere or as well start one. The choice is yours in the end. When Uranus turns retrograde you tend to go back to a recent job which you quit cause you simply thought you were working with idiots. Try to be more diplomatic and understand that not everybody can be on your level always, because that would bore you.

Be ready for surprises related to work or health. Surprises can be good especially during the magnitude mixture of powerful Mars still in your personal sign and clever Mercury in the upper sector of your chart which will be blooming and booming. The 10th house rules career and reputation and the 11th house is all about networking. It’s a prime time to start your venture. Sign up on Kickstarter, send out your resume, schedule interviews, or publish your new web page. Dream big! Some of your friends might have a job opportunity for you. Ask around, communication is key.


Romantic life has been a little up and down and you might have been attracting lovers who are considered a little bit weird by your peers, but you don’t care – if you are attracted to an alien from another galaxy and you feel like merging with them, that is nobody’s business.

When crazy Uranus transits through your fifth house of true love & creativity it is a time for the already wild Sagittarius to be even wilder and have more one night stands and affairs than ever. Uranus has been in Aries, your fifth house since early 2011. Think back about what happened, if you were in a relationship maybe you were trying to break free?

Anyway this week Uranus, the rebel planet will be turning retrograde à slowing you down, so you can think a little about your past wilderness and explore what you learned in order to be more creative. Uranus in the fifth house weather it is direct or retrograde is one of the most creative times you will experience.

Throw trickster planet Mercury into the mix, which is currently moving through your career sector, and you’ll have the strangest but most interesting reputation. Work it!



Plan a getaway! Youthful Mercury will be moving into Virgo, your ninth house of the higher mind, making you outspoken and maybe even ready to add a new language to your repertoire. This beautiful planetary energy will make your mind expand, so try to manage a getaway to unexplored territories.

What has been happening to your living situation and home life since 2011? Right, many surprises. That is all due to groundbreaking Uranus, the planet of surprise. For Astrologers Uranus is one of the most unpredictable planets. One can never quite know what exactly is going to happen. This week Uranus will be turning retrograde, which means you might review an unusual event that has happened in your past related to your family or living situation. Don’t get too attached, that is Uranus’ lesson.



You don’t mind standing out and having your own unique opinion, but with your ruler, revolutionary Uranus turning retrograde in your third house of communication you will tend to be more quiet and inward with your thoughts. Doesn’t mean it will get quiet. Actually you will have nonstop inner dialogue now which might make you sleepless at night. Your rebel with a cause attitude will be internalized. Once genius planet Uranus turns direct you will be ready to express yourself and change the world!

Investigation planet Mercury is moving in to kinky Virgo, your eighth house of deep sexuality giving you extra intuitiveness. You are going to work hard and pay close attention to details in order to fully please your partner; inside and outside of the bedroom. Lucky.



Are you ready to review the financial ideas you had and set them up properly? Uranus currently in your second house of values and income will be moving retrograde this week. Uranus is the planet of crazy and unexpected events, which sometimes can be scary when transiting through our financial sector. Uranus has been in your money sector since 2011. Have you noticed slight ups and downs regarding your income? Don’t worry too much.

Normally people are afraid of retrograde planets, but in this case it is pretty lucky for you. Retro means going back/reviewing, plus Uranus is also known as the genius planet. You could come up with the most innovative money making ideas, just like Pisces Steve Jobs. Believe in yourself! Beneficial opportunities from your past could reoccur out of the blue now.

Communication planet Mercury will be moving into Virgo, your seventh house of others and relationships, which will make you think more about we than I. You will get your best ideas when partnering up with your lover. Maybe you guys can start up an innovative business together. A healthy diet together. With these beautiful mercurial energies, you will have your partner’s best interest in mind. Mental Mercury in that sector can also make you much more indecisive though, which can sometimes be a good thing to think harder and observe. At the same time, you’ll be more diplomatic.

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