There’s Something About Tokyo & Shenzhen Fashion Week

There must be something in the Tokyo and Shenzhen style-slaying water, you guys. Proof: I recently returned from checking out Tokyo and Shenzhen fashion weeks, and the shows were fantastic: from the forward-thinking head-turners, the wacky yet wearable, and the downright crazy (in a really good way.) Equally as jaw-dropping-inducing kinds of impressive was the street style. And since I absolutely cannot travel without a disposable camera, I captured lots of the sartorial magic. You’re very welcome!

The fantastic All Saints presentation during Tokyo Fashion Week.

My favorite Tokyo bae Hiraku Morilla being a bae at the All Saints presentation. Heart you.

All Saints street cast the cutie on the left/my favorite new model crush. Good eye, All Saints.

Painfully hip All Saints models on a smoke break.

Obsessed with the sartorial-slaying Yuri Nakagawa, Tokyo model/blogger/sweetie. A must follow on Instagram: @DARAYUNYA

Best sweater ever? Yes.

Killing me with cuteness outside the zany Anne Sofie Madsen Tokyo Fashion Week show.

Leopard, anyone?

Shenzhen Fashion Week punk princess.

A style star is born.

I really wanted this Shenzhen Fashion Week robe. And him.

The Shenzhen best zany hair trophy goes to Y-VISON HOMME. Obviously.

Shenzhen’s best street style trophy goes to this woman. Who are you? Does it hurt to be so amazing?

Everything. Just everything.

Models smizing before hitting the runway for Shenzhen’s gothy glam designers, ODBO.

My personal favorite Instagram star is “Multimedia Post Pop Artist” Pandemonia. Take a moment to take in this incredibleness.

Here’s me creeping backstage on these cuties before the ODBO show.

Hi there.

Need that ODBO coat. Need him in my life, too.


Important question: why isn’t there a Pandemonia fashion line yet? Get on it, girl.

Gimme More Fashion

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