Teen Wolf’s Arden Cho Explains Why You Still Need A Watch in 2016

When Texas-raised model/actress/singer-songwriter Arden Cho, is off-duty from her role on MTV’s “Teen Wolf” as ‘Kira Yukimura,’ she’s doing something a little different from her Hollywood peers; Cho developed a line of chic, affordable watches under her brand moniker Leonard & Church. The company started out as a passion project, and Cho partnered with a team of watch designers who’d been in the industry for years. She’s involved in all processes of the company, from building the prototypes to marketing.

But why a watch brand? See images from the lookbook below, and let Arden tell you herself why you still need a watch in 2016.

“It’s poor form to whip out your phone to check the time when you’re in class or a meeting or on a date.”


“Look around and you’ll see most people are glued to their phones, missing all the beautiful moments in life happening right before their eyes.”


“I used to be too embarrassed to admit that I have 2 drawers full of watches! Accessorizing is the key to completing any look, and different watch styles allow you to dress up or down for any occasion. Having a few watches is an essential staple for any wardrobe.”


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