It Boy Sham Maurice Is Ready to Take On Hollywood
You’ve seen Sham Maurice as the star of the show on Kylie’s Snapchat. You know him as Justine Skye’s brother. Now, the “it boy” of the century is stepping into the Galore spotlight to talk about being the asshole friend, the merits of dressing like a girl, and his acting ambitions.
Brian Lichtenberg Stole & House of Holland Sunglasses
Let’s get into it! What’s your end goal Sham?
My end goal, which I’m really excited to get into, is acting.
Have you been taking acting classes?
I’ve been acting since I was like 9. I actually quit because I didn’t book this movie I auditioned for. Actually, I booked a role in Grown Ups and was on the way to my table read when they called my parents to say they recast my role. It would’ve been my first movie ever. I cried.
No, that’s awful! But now you’re able to handle rejection and go for it?
Now I’m super able, and I’m extra cute because of social media. People have been offering me roles; I just need to get an agent.
What brands are you into?
I’m really fucking with Alexander Wang and Saint Laurent. I just followed this brand that I’m obsessed with called blackmeans. It’s so cool. Their Instagram (blackmeans_official) isn’t very cool, but they make these crazy rag-looking garments. Also, I’m like the most not skater person ever, but I would really like to be buried in Thrasher.
That’s so funny. They do make cool stuff. I feel like, as a girl, I always struggle because I don’t think I can wear that.
I love Thrasher. Thrasher anything is like my favorite thing ever. They just make the sickest stuff, like fire and obnoxious stuff. It’s just my personality, I guess.
Was there a men’s show that you were obsessed with?
Wait, do you know the Givenchy show where Naomi Campbell walked in, and they all had the suits on, and they walked down the steps? That was one of my favorite men’s shows that I’ve seen so far. I just thought that was so rad.
What are some menswear styles that you think girls should try?
I don’t know, because I dress like a girl. I just feel like girls don’t need to have their tits out and shit like that. Sometimes you do, but like, I fuck with wearing a hoodie. There was a period of time where Justine was dressing like a boy for a week, and that was just so sexy to me. I feel like it was sexy to other people too, because it shows that you’re not trying so hard. So I fuck with it when a girl wears a hoodie, and I fuck with boy jeans heavy. I think boy jeans are cool. I’ve recently liked when girls wear Vans. I don’t know why, but I just think it’s cool.
Are there any trends that you think girls shouldn’t partake in?
I never liked hats. I like the little baseball caps that you scrunch if you’re just trying to be incognito—the stepdad hats. That’s fine. I hate snapbacks. Why are you wearing a snapback?
You’re always in a new outfit, and you post every day. So that means everyday, you dress well. How do you do that? What are your tips for doing that?
I used to wear three outfits a day. There would literally be three pictures a day, but then recently I’ve been on the vibe where I’ll only put on one fit. I was so against that! I would never go out in the daytime then go out at night in the same outfit. Now I really only do that. I put on my whole fit for the day and the night.
Do you have a uniform now?
I do have a uniform. It’s my black turtleneck, these slacks, and my Vans. I’m obsessed with turtlenecks now.
I actually just tweeted, “It’s so hard for me not to wear a turtleneck everyday.”
They’re just so cool to me. But tips? I just wake up and say, “I want to be the coolest person that I can be in my eyes.” My whole closet is full of costumes. So, I guess I have no choice.
Do you plan your outfits out the night before?
Hell no.
Your group of friends is the squad. You’re all hanging out and being funny, and you guys are like super weird. What’s your role in that? Are you the funny one? The weird one?
What a lot of people don’t know is that I grew up in LA, so I have a lot of different friend groups. Right now, I’ve been hanging out with my Londoners. My British friends are all in town, but I play the same role in every group of friends. Obviously, you have your best friends that you confide in, so I have that core group of friends. I just want everyone to have a good time. I used to be super super shy and scared of everything. I remember this kid in my acting class wore skinny jeans, and I thought that was so cool. I went to Fred Segal and bought these jeans and had them in my closet for so long. Then one day, I put them on and went to school, but I was 12-years-old and so embarrassed. Now I’m outspoken, so I guess I’m the funny one—the party animal.
You seem like the fun one.
I’m like the asshole friend. I’m an asshole, but I feel like the party trumps asshole. Like they coincide. Maybe I’m just sarcastic.
What music are you into right now?
No one’s heard the album yet because it hasn’t come out, but I’m really obsessed with my good friend Vic Mensa. I just think he’s such an incredible rapper. I almost don’t even want to call him a rapper. He’s just an artist. I’m really blessed to see him work and to see his creative process. Just being around it so much, I’m into music now. I kind of want to make music. I don’t know what genre yet.
I love watching my friends make music.
It’s the most amazing thing. I’m like, “How do you do it?” I love R&B, and I love Kehlani. I could listen to her all day. I happened to be in Vegas when she was touring there, so I was like a tour rat. We had the most fun. Troye Sivan is super cool, too. I also just fell in love with She Wants Revenge.
What’s it like to watch your sister’s music career take off?
Justine is without a doubt one of my favorite artists. That’s kind of one of the first people who made me interested in music. There’s so much more of her to come. She just did this Vogue spread with Zendaya and a bunch of other people. As soon as I saw it, I was like, “Damn. I’m so proud of you.” She’s always working. I learn a lot of things from her in that sense, like to have a work ethic and always be doing things. There’s so much more to come. I’m just proud and think it’s crazy.
Who are some of your life role models or fashion icons? Or just people you look up to for stuff?
I used to always think, “How could I have a fashion icon who’s a girl?” Obviously, you have your icons who you’ve always looked up to, but I think life is always evolving, so your icons change. I’m always trying to keep up with what’s current. Right now, it’s Zoë Kravitz. She’s the background on my phone. I think she’s so cool. Obviously Kanye—that’s a given. Kanye broke through and merged rap music, which is a predominately black community where you’re in a gang or you’re in the hood; but his gang is fashion.
Has Kanye ever given you style advice or have you learned anything specific from him?
I met him a few times. I haven’t gotten the chance to have a full on conversion with him, but what I learned from just watching his career is how not to care. I’ll throw something on and most people think I’m crazy, but I’m just like whatever, this is how I’m rocking now.
You tweeted about how being in love is generally crazy. What did you mean by that?
I’m so private about relationships. No one will ever know who I’m dating.
Is dating weird for you because you’re so big on social media? Do you think people know who you are before you meet them?
I’ve had those encounters. You can tell who knows who you are by the look in their eyes. Anyway, that tweet was just in general, because I see people in love, and I’m like, “Oh my God, I’ve never been in love.” But, just seeing people in love and the lengths that they’ll go to is so crazy for me. I can’t imagine putting someone so far above me that I get lost in the sauce and I’m not focused on me or my family. So that’s where that tweet came from. As for me, I’m single and have been single for a while. Even if I’m not single, you guys will never fucking know.
What kind of dating advice do you give your friends? What’s some advice you’ve given them that you think Galore Girls should take into account?
I give my friends dating advice all the time. All my friends that I have right now are such independent women, so I’m proud of that. Don’t let a man mistreat you or cheat on you. I think it’s so crazy to disrespect yourself. Just walk away. Also, it’s 2016, so you better focus on your career. Why wouldn’t you want to be a power couple? Why wouldn’t you want your man to boss up, and then you boss up? Even for me, when I think about my relationships, I want to be as bossed up as my significant other. My advice to Galore Girls is to BOSS UP.
Buy your man a car 2016.
Buy your man a Rolls 2016!
So for you, your biggest goal this year is acting. Any other big projects you’d be into working on?
I would love to do an indie film. Just from my Snapchats and stuff, most people think I would be great at comedy. I could probably write a comedy, but I want to do a drama. I know I can act, and I know I can take it there. My biggest fear ever is to be typecast. I was watching this show, and I don’t even know his name, but there’s this one gay guy and he’s always playing the gay guy. He’s done like 8 of the same roles. So I don’t want to just be the funny guy. I want to be diverse.
Photography and Creative Direction by Prince + Jacob
Styling by Alexandra Mandelkorn