No One Is As Stoked About Winning Bronze as This Female Weightlifter

In a world of consistently bad news and sadness, here’s a lil something to brighten your probs awful Monday.

Y’all, just look at Sarah Robles’ face after winning the bronze medal. If that isn’t pure happiness, I couldn’t tell you what is.

Sarah Robles, an American weightlifter, placed third yesterday in the 75-plus kilogram division of weightlifting at the 2016 Rio Olympics, and she was also the first American to get a medal in weightlifting since Tara Nott won at Sydney 2000.

“This means a lot, to be on the podium and give exposure to our sport at a time when it’s already growing,” said Sarah according to Reuters. “It’s good not just for me, but for women of size, for women who want to get up off the couch and do something different.”

Considering Sarah just came off a two-year ban from competing because she took an over-the-counter supplement that contained a banned substance, this is quite the way to come back. 

“I know I’m a good and honest person and if I put hard work in I would be able to reach my goals,” Sarah said. 

Aw, don’t you just feel like all warm and fuzzy on the inside? We can’t vouch for the whole “getting off the couch” part though. Do that at your own risk.

Photo: Getty Images

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