Aww, Kylie and Kim Took Matching Naked Selfies Yesterday

Sometimes Kylie and Kim do this super cute sister thing where they act like twins and hope everybody writes about it the next day, we always do, and the circle of life spins on into eternity.

Blame it on the impending full moon-lunar eclipse-harvest moon situation, but yesterday Kylie and Kim took their twinning routine to a nude level.

First up, Kylie.

A photo posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

As my boyfriend said to me via Instagram comment, “thank god for zoom.”

Hours later, Kim decided to join in on the fun, only because she’s older she went a little ham and ditched the nude lingerie for some strategically placed furniture and body parts.

Again, thank God for zoom.

Although in all honesty, Kim was just showing off her “midnight spray tan,” and trying to raise awareness for tanorexia, the oft-disregarded disease that plagues preppy sorority girls, image-conscious celebrities and middle-aged divorcees.

Shame on us for trying to read anything else into this.

It was probably just a big ole coincidenance anyway – I mean, what are the odds that two nude Kardashian family selfies happened on the same day anyway?

Must be the full moon making us act crazy.

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