Kim Kardashian Went Off On An Epic, Shade-Filled Twitter Rant

Yesterday Kim Kardashian shared what turned out to be a year-old nude selfie that caused people to feel a couple different ways. 

We loved it because she looked hot and was feeling herself.

But unsurprisingly, not everybody reached the same conclusion as us, including Bette Midler: 

And Chloe Moretz, who apparently thinks naked photos are bad:

Apparently, Chloe also hates the idea of spending an extra 30 seconds to edit her thoughts to fit into Twitter’s 140-character limit.

Since Kim has a very demanding life being a businesswoman, the fabulous mother of two children, and a wife to a crazy genius, it took her a couple hours to spare a minute to comment on the haterade, but once she was finished doing her, she took to Twitter to remind us all why she’s the queen of everything.

Whether this is a sign that Kanye’s influence on Kim or just a reminder that Kim is a grown ass woman who stopped playing nice a long time ago, we don’t care. We love it.

Kim K 4 ever.  


A video posted by Kim Kardashian West (@kimkardashian) on

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