Prominent Squad Member Karlie Kloss Just Complimented Kim K

Do you hear the snakes slithering? If not, then it’s probably because you haven’t heard what Karlie Kloss said about Kim Kardashian.

Karlie, who is a very prominent member of Taylor Swift’s exclusive squad, was featured in Time Magazine UK, and of course she was asked about Kim.

Just in case you have forgotten, Kimmy exposed the living shit out of Taylor Swift. But Karlie took the high ground and did not say anything nasty about Kim.

“I think she’s been a lovely person to me in the past,” Karlie said about Kim, probably as she sipped some scalding tea. I would take Karlie’s words seriously, I mean she did quit modeling for Victoria’s Secret to go to NYU so she’s clearly classy as fuck.

And while it looks like she is attempting to maintain some grace in neutrality, we all know that you’re either on Team Swift or Team Kimye.

There is no neutral ground here.

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