Public criticism of celebrities’ fashion choices wasn’t really a thing until Joan Rivers came along. And actress Jaime King is raising the point that maybe we should have let the practice go to the grave with the legendary comic.
Jaime recently appeared on the website Go Fug Yourself, where bloggers Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan regularly mock famous people’s red carpet outfits. This week, as part of their Fug Madness competition, Heather and Jessica made a blog post pitting Jaime against Emily Ratajkowski, encouraging readers to vote for whose style is more unfortunate.
Jaime was not amused. She posted a screengrab of the story to Instagram and went on a lengthy rant about why she’s no longer down with the Fug Girls, as they’re known.
“I thought they were cheeky, rad chicks that made jokes but with a wink,” she wrote. “Now I realize that not only do they exemplify the unending cycle of women bashing other women, but that they are also the new Perez Hilton of fashion “bloggers” (before Perez turned it around realizing that words fucking HURT).”
Now, there’s nothing wrong with women bashing other women if it’s well deserved, let’s get that straight. And hey, shouldn’t celebrities be able to take a little criticism from time to time? They are rich and adored, after all.
But then Jaime goes on to make a really good point about what it means when someone’s outfit get mocked:
No person leaves the house thinking “hey, I want to look like shit & can’t wait to be judged by the world & a bunch of other women.” … We all are doing our best with our own insecurities and lives. … Maybe consider there are REAL hearts, REAL people you are hurting. From the designers, interns, the many people that spend weeks sewing each bead, everyone that has had a dream to make pretty clothes & did. To those that busted their asses to be working actors hoping to entertain humanity in a world filled with pain.
Honestly, we see both sides — it sucks to have your personal taste and your team’s hard work trampled on by the peanut gallery. But also, there are worse things happening in the world. Either way, we’d love to see how Heather and Jessica will respond to this, if at all.
Molly Mulshine got her start covering local politics before working at Business Insider and the New York Observer. Follow her on Twitter: @mollymulshine
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