Jade rollers are the new cure-all for de-puffing your face and more

Jade rollers are literally the talk all over the beauty community and you’re going to be hearing about them more than usual in the new year.

If you’re into ancient Chinese beauty you’re probably rolling your eyes right now, because they’ve been around for a hot minute. But many of us are just getting hip to what’s going on.

If you have no idea what a jade roller is or think its total bs and doesn’t work, you actually might wanna keep reading to learn what the fuss is about.

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A jade roller is an ancient 7th century Chinese beauty tool that reduces toxins in the skin, circulates blood flow in your skin to de-puff your face, promotes lymphatic drainage, reduces dark under eye circles and wrinkles and tightens your pores, according to Vogue. The jade stone in the roller is also said to help with anxiety and fatigue and is also said to keep away negative energies.

None of this is backed up by science, so buy at your own risk.

If you do decide to cop one, it’s best to keep your roller cold in your freezer and use it on a clean face with newly applied oil. The Jade stone is naturally cold, but freezing it increase circulation while in use, help those with sinus issues and balance chi, according to this YouTuber.

There are various YouTube videos on how your favorite blogger uses this roller and the best part is that it’s cheap af. Some rollers have a bigger stone on one end for your entire face and a smaller one for your under eye and are recommended to be used as often as needed. We found one here with great reviews and is under $10.

So if you think its won’t live up to its hype or you need help with all the side effects listed above, for under $10 what do you really have to lose?

READ ALSO: 5 ways to de-puff your hangover face 

Gimme More Beauty

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