Going, Going, Gone Girl

Need plans for this weekend? When’s the last time you saw a movie? Today, Gone Girl is officially out. While you may normally prefer to hide in bed all day with Netflix, this is a movie actually worth getting out of the house for.

Gone Girl will appeal to all of you who love a good thriller/mystery. If you find yourself binge watching Law & Order: SVU or NCIS on lazy Sundays like me, you’ve found the perfect movie. Gone Girl has so many twist and turns you’re going to be on the edge of your seat the whole movie (I recommend wolfing down your popcorn during previews to avoid distractions).


If you don’t live and die for suspense, Ben Affleck has also confirmed he is involved in brief nudity in the film. He even joked that “you’ve gotta pay 15 bucks to see it in 3D.”


Gone Girl is the perfect movie to see with your girlfriends (my roommate has been begging me to see it since weeks before it was released), but also a great movie to see on a date. Hey, if Ben Affleck’s bod isn’t giving you enough satisfaction, you can always feign fear as an excuse to lift up the armrests and cuddle up to your date.

Gimme More POP

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