Future’s Friends Say Ciara Was Too ‘Bougie’ For Him

When it comes to insults and drags, Future’s squad might need some guidance on how they work.

In his new cover story for Rolling Stone, Future opens up about his relationship with Ciara, and it turns out that his crew didn’t like her because she was too classy. That’s a new one.

“He was with an R&B chick, you know what I’m saying?” Mike Will tells Rolling Stone. “Ciara, she didn’t even really like when people cursed.”

“She was bougie as hell,” one of his other friends told Rolling Stone, apparently as an insult, as they all are gathered at Future’s studio in Atlanta.

Wtf does “R&B chick” even mean besides what genre of music she’s into? Well, after she started dating Future, his close friends began noticing changes in Future, from more red carpet appearances, to more smiling in pictures. He even moved from Atlanta to Los Angeles to be with her. Apparently, these were all bad, bad things in the eyes of Future’s bros.

So what’s up with Future’s squad and their beef with Ciara?

After the move to LA, Future began recording more pop tracks, like a song with Miley Cyrus and then another with Rihanna. Future’s friends really began disliking Ciara, blaming her for the obvious changes.

Future and Ciara then had a child together, and when he was 3 months old, rumors began swirling that Future had cheated on her. Then the social media drama started when photos surfaced of Ciara and her new beau Russell Wilson out on a date with Future’s son, and people basically ripped Future for being an absent parent. Future responded on Twitter, calling Ciara out for having control problems.

Despite all the lawsuits and the drama, it seems that Future still does have Ciara’s best interest at heart.

While it was rumored that someone in Ciara’s camp accused Future of wishing Ciara failure, he says he never did that. “I would never wish that,” Future says. “Her being successful, her being happy, helps me.”

Then it’s as if he is talking to her directly when he says, “I’m attached to you. If you’re happy, I’m happy. You’re connected for life. I don’t want you to go through this shit and for it to come back on my son, my kid. I want you to be in the best situation.”

Aw, well Future kind of redeems his squad’s nasty comments on Ciara when he says he wants her to at least be happy, no matter what. The rap god has a soft side.

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