This young, female director just created this unreal video for Collapsing Scenery

Kansas Bowling is a young, badass, female director that just recently created a video for Collapsing Scenery’s newly released single, “Resort Beyond The Last Resort.”

The music video is eery, sexy, vintage, and reminiscent of Rihanna’s, “Bitch Better Have My Money” – y’know, where the female star of the music video takes revenge on the shitty men in her life.

Anyway, the song matches the video, meaning that Kansas has a very good grasp as a filmmaker when it comes to choosing theme. Collapsing Scenery’s music is a wild synth ride with deep, soothing vocals that will send you somewhere else – like to an Elvis themed wedding in Vegas.

Check out our exclusive interview with the director below, along with Collapsing Scenery’s newest video and some unreal stills!

Collapsing Scenery – “Resort Beyond the Last Resort” UNCENSORED VERSION from Collapsing Scenery on Vimeo.

What is this video about?

The video for “Resort Beyond the Last Resort” is based on Boyd Rice’s 1994 essay “Revolt Against Penis Envy.” I had read the essay when I was very young and revisited it right before coming up with the concept for the video. I thought feminist satire of anti-feminist satire would be an interesting concept.

Who is Boyd Rice and how did you get him in the video?

Boyd Rice is an innovative, industrial musician and artist. I came up with the concept without having met him. But I was able to get in touch with him through my friend Hunter and the Partridge Family Temple.

When I told him about the idea, he loved it. Boyd lives in Denver so we all flew out to shoot with him. The two locations in the video are his house and the famous Denver Mexican restaurant, Casa Bonita.

What are you intentions for the video? What message do you want your viewers to receive from watching it?

The video shows a woman following the instructions of Boyd’s manifesto, but not by his intentions. The video is about what can be considered offensive. Rape is, of course, wrong, but the concept of rape-revenge is usually applauded. Through Boyd Rice’s essay and this video, readers and viewers will hopefully discover where their morals lie.

What’s next for you?

I’ve been directing a lot of music videos and acting in some very exciting movies – but what I’m most excited about is the feature film I am directing right now! It’s “Faces of Death” meets “Bye Bye Birdie.”

You can check out my recent work at my website, here.

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