You Can Now Blame Your Parents For Your Emotional Binging Habits

A new study shows there’s another problem we can now blame our parents for — our emotional eating habits! Ashton University reported findings that parents who raised their children with specifically controlling approaches to eating were to blame for habits of emotional eating found in adults later in life.

According to head doctor Dr. Claire Farrow and her team, researchers studied children aged 5 – 7 to assess the conditions in which the kids would eat, it became apparent that kids with parents who used food as a reward or a treat were more likely to eat when stressed out. This could be attributed to teaching kids to associate food with emotions, and was also the case when parents were generally more controlling with food their young children ate.

And emotional eating usually means eating foods that are high in calories and fat, as you may very well know. And emotional eating also leads to eating disorders, so let’s avoid those at all costs as well.

Think back to how you learned to relate to food as a child — did you have a certain “candy day?” or get severely reprimanded for climbing up on the counter to sneak to the cookie jar? If so, it’s probably due to the habits you were taught as a child.  Take a load of that emotional eating off yourself, and put it on mom and dad instead.


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