Latin Pop Girl Group “Angel 22” is comprised of 4 members: Alondra, Wendii, Sofia and Laura. Coming from different parts of the world, these ladies have managed to not only come together and create beautiful music for the world to hear but have also formed a special bond and sisterhood in the process. Their new single “GOSTOSA” is out now and we got to catch up with the ladies to learn a little bit about each of them and what to expect from them in the near future.    




Talk to us about how the group was formed. 

In 2019, we were called to participate in the reality show “the x factor celebrity” as a group of Latin girls, each one was in a different country at that time and hadn’t met each other before then. The first part of the reality show was recorded in LA and then we reached the final live shows in London.

With all of you girls being from different parts of South America how does your country influence your sound? 

Having a variety of countries and cultures gives us the opportunity to explore different rhythms, words and languages. We can experiment with 3 languages: Portuguese, Spanish and English. That gives us the freedom to play when making music and being able to put the touch of each one in what we do and proudly represent the Latin culture.

Who are your SHEROES: 

For us, our heroes are Latin women who open doors for us in the music industry and also our mothers who were our first fans.

What do you love most about your other band mate and what annoys you? 

Alondra: “What I love about being in a girl band is that you get to do what you love most with people that with time become family, and you’re never alone when you’re nervous on stage, interviews etc. What annoys me? Hahahaha like in every sisterhood, there’s fights and then two seconds later you’re like “wanna get food together?” at this point we’re like family. We have a lot of funny moments together.

Talk to us about your latest single. 

Chimbita” our latest single is a mix of different elements of our cultures, where we put a touch of dembow, reggaeton and dancehall. The word “chimbita” is a Colombian word which means something similar to “cool” and the song represents a girls night out, who enjoy their time together. For the lyric video that we did for this song we decided to go and do exactly that, go out to party together and we had an incredible time.

 What is your beauty routine on the road? 

Laura: I need my sunscreen and a great lip balm. 

Wendii: My beauty routine would be hydrating lots and my Aquaphor.

Alondra: Sunscreen, lip gloss and a little blush balm. 

Sofia: Body oil, a good moisturizer, and natural makeup.

What advice would you give your 13 year old self?

Wendii: I would tell my 13 year old self to have patience and live day by day. Continue to appreciate life and her childhood as well as to always trust God with the plan that he has for us in this beautiful life. Focus on herself, what she loves and her family.

Alondra: I would tell my 13 year old self to keep learning everything she can and embrace all the opportunities that her mom has given her. It will all make sense soon.

Sofia: My advice would be for her to follow her intuition and not analyze so much. The easiest way to know if something will work is to try it.

For your song “Chimbita”, what does that song mean to you and what lyric hits the hardest?

Alondra: This song had been written for quite some time already, and even though it wasn’t finished, we loved it so much. As an Afro Latina the lyric that hits the most for me it’s in my verse, When I say, “Celia me dijo, negra tú tienes tumba’o”. I’m just so glad that I get to embrace my roots and give other girls the power to embrace theirs also.

What your ideal perfect night: 

Wendii: My ideal perfect night would be staying in, watching movies, eating popcorn and ice cream with my family, as well as playing video games with my friends.

Laura: For me, I think it’s an activity where we can talk a lot and laugh, I really like listening to and telling stories, sharing thoughts and talking about conspiracy theories or funny topics.

Alondra: For me a perfect night would be a spa night where I get to eat yummy healthy food and just chill in my apartment that I have made my perfect rest place.

Sofia: For me, my perfect night would be eating my favorite foods in an open space, in contact with nature and where I can talk to the people I love.

 How is your creativity disrupting the landscape of reggaetón and girl groups: 

Our creativity is the freedom we have in the group to be who we are. Being from different countries we have no limits to stories, words and a variety of rhythms that we have in our cultures. This makes us unique.

 If you guys could collab with any girl groups past or present who would it be and why: 

We would love to collaborate with the Spice Girls, we feel a connection and we think the groups have a similar energy.

What is one item in each of your purses you can’t live without? 

Laura: My phone I think, in my phone I have everything. My family is far from me and that is the only thing that helps me to forget the distance between us.

Wendii: I can’t live without my Aquaphor, making sure my lips are always hydrated as well as my skin. 

Alondra: I can’t live without my lip-gloss. I am known for being the one that has a whole pharmacy in her purse. So honestly, I need many things hahaha From tissues to deodorant, to a mirror to my digital camera, everything that you could think of.

Sofia: I can’t go out without my camera. My memories are my most precious thing.

What is next for the group?

We have so many great things coming up next for the group. We have planned to release lots and lots of music, as well as soon working towards releasing an album. We also would love to travel lots and continue to perform all over the world which is our absolute favorite thing to do, be able to meet our fans and have that connection with them while sharing our music.


Interview By Editor-in-Chief: Prince Chenoa (@princechenoastudio)

Feature Editor: Taylor Winter Wilson (@taylorwinter)

Photographer: Luis Alejandro Marquez (@vombagram)

Gimme More POP

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