Emilynn Rose & Hanna Beth Redefine the Model-Photog Relationship

The photographer-model relationship is an infamous one, popping up in classic movies like “Blowup” and in gossip about who’s boffing who in the fashion world. It’s a fun trope, but it always, always, seems to be a male photog and a doe-eyed female model.

Well, guess what? It’s 2016 and women can be photographers too, opening up plenty more model-photog relationships, including good old-fashioned friendship and mutual admiration.

So after Emilynn Rose submitted her shots of model Hanna Beth, we decided to have these two boss b*tches interview each other. Read their answers below and scroll down for the pics.

Hanna answers Emilynn’s questions…

EMILYNN: What are some of your favorite designers, that you feel really goes well with your style?

HANNA: My favorite designer will always be Vivienne Westwood. She played such a huge role in the punk 77 movement and that style was really what got me interested in fashion. There are no designers like her that can say they helped create a look of a movement. I think she’s fascinating and one of the few that are iconic.

EMILYNN: What kind of fashion trends are you into at the moment?

HANNA: At the moment, I am loving anything comfortable and cozy! Probably just that time of year. I love wearing a big oversized long sleeve shirt with a pair of thigh-high boots. My current obsession are these new Marc Jacobs boots I purchased that are black faux python with gold glitter bottoms. I want to wear them every day.

EMILYNN: What are your favorite rock ‘n roll bands?

HANNA: My favorite bands are Roxy Music, The Rolling Stones, Beatles, The Clash, Sex Pistols & The Doors.

EMILYNN: We used some of your clothes for our shoot, Rock N’ Roll Chic, some of those clothes were jackets designed by Christian Benner. How did you and Christian Benner get in contact? And what are your thoughts about his designs and artwork?

HANNA: I have known Christian forever! We actually met through Facebook because we had some mutual friends and he wanted to send me some shirts. When we first started talking he was only making shirts, and I told him how he should branch out and do some awesome one of a kind jackets. I sent him inspiration photos and everything. I am so proud of him and for all he’s accomplished.

EMILYNN: Since our shoot was shot in your home, how do you keep your home looking cool and having a piece of your character in it? Where do you like to buy your furniture?

HANNA: My home is very eclectic. I love mixing vintage pieces with new. A lot of my favorite pieces I found at swap meets or got them passed down to me from my mom. My mom has excellent taste as well, especially with home decor. I like living in a place that feels like me. I could never have it be basic. I love having tons of stuff but I am also a clean freak, so I keep it very organized.

EMILYNN: Who are some people or artists that inspire you?

HANNA: I get inspired by a lot, but mostly by generations past. I love the whole punk 77 movement and the Warhol factory era. Edie Sedgwick has always been my style icon. She could’ve wore anything and made it look fantastic. I also love David Bowie. His style never stayed the same and he wasn’t afraid to take risks, I dig that.

EMILYNN: Do you feel like you stay true to who you are despite the needs of being “liked” in the industry?

HANNA: I definitely do. I have never felt the need to change who I was to please other people. You get one life, why waste it being someone you’re not to satisfy someone whose opinion is probably meaningless? Everything I do in life, I do for myself. I don’t follow trends.

EMILYNN: Describe Hanna Beth in three words.

Eccentric, over-thinker, compassionate.

And now, Emilynn answers Hanna’s…

HANNA: What inspired you to become a photographer?

EMILYNN: What inspired me to become a photographer was Ellen Von Unwerth. I love her style and Ellen’s personality is incredible, she knows the kind of artist she is and it shows in her work. I love how she has her own style and it shows in all her work. When I come across a photo she has shot, I automatically know it’s her photo. I want people to look at my photos and know it’s my photography.

HANNA: How old were you when you got into photography? Do you remember your first shoot?

EMILYNN: I was 16 years old when I first got into photography. I had no idea what I was doing, but I swear, it felt right! Coming from a Filipino background, my family really wanted me to pursue nursing or law, but I just knew that photography is where my heart is and that’s when I decided to follow it and give it my all.

My first “shoot,” which at the time I didn’t really know was called a photo shoot, was me and my friends hanging out, then I suggested that they dress up and we go to this one street with abandoned apartments, and get some “editorial” looking shots. Now that I look back at it, I’m still kind of doing the same thing, dressing up models and photographing them in cool locations and having fun.

HANNA: How do you come up with the themes for your shoots?

EMILYNN: When I come up with concepts for a shoot, I usually will get inspired by the model or by a concept. If I’m inspired by a model I will base a photo shoot around them and what I feel like would accentuate who they are, just like this shoot with you, Rock N Roll Barbie.

When I get inspired by a concept, where I could find randomly on my favorite photographers pages or find something that inspires me on Pinterest (I looove Pinterest) then I would get my team together and find a model that will make my concept come to life.

HANNA: What is your favorite & least favorite thing about being a photographer?

EMILYNN: My favorite thing about being a photographer is almost everything! From pre production, setting up the shoot, then going to the shoot and having a wonderful time with my team and model(s), then getting to post production and finalizing the shots. However, I would say editing is where I find myself having the hardest time. I love editing the first couple of photos to see the coloring style that I would put on it, but the retouching and the tediousness of it drains me sometimes.

HANNA: Random fact most people wouldn’t know about you?

EMILYNN: I always have to have Tapatio next to my bed, just incase I need hot sauce. Haha…

HANNA: If you could photograph anyone dead or alive, who would it be and why?

EMILYNN: RIHANNA!!!  Rihanna all the way, she is my idol. She is such a strong woman and an amazing artist. She does not change herself to what people want her to be, she changes for herself. I also truly admire how great of a business woman she is and now she has entered the fashion world, changing the sports wear style.

HANNA: When you aren’t working, what do you like to do for fun?

EMILYNN: I work a lot, but that’s because I love what I do, if I can shoot all the time without getting exhausted I would, but when I’m not shooting, I’m probably at the beach side of town or in Hawaii enjoying the coast and relaxing.

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