5th Harmony Fans Are Losing It Over a ‘Feud’ Between Normani & Camila

Fifth Harmony fans are losing their shit over 10 seconds of an interview we did with lead singer Normani Kordei on Monday.

During the interview on Facebook Live, Normani answers fan questions about how to maintain healthy friendships. She also answered a question about her bandmates: how would she describe each one of them in one word?

She went down the list and gushed about each girl. When she got to Camila Cabello, she paused for a minute before settling on “quirky” and “cute.”

We gotta be honest, at the time, it didn’t feel like a big deal at all. Fans might be exaggerating this one just a tad. Normani agrees. Here’s what she tweeted last night:

Watch the full interview below.

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