For many people, the struggles they face in their lives can either make or break them and Jaydena is no different. Her love for her friends, fashion and music has allowed her to express herself through her art and connect to fans who may relate to her as a trans woman navigating in the world. We got the chance to talk to Jaydena about her life, career and everything in between. Keep reading below to learn her story in her own words!


Growing up, you spent your time between LA and southern Mexico. Talk to us about your upbringing and how being raised in these culturally diverse environments impacted the woman you are today.

I was raised on MTV and Vogue. I had a really artistic upbringing as a theater kid, and a pretty
rough one too. You know, being the firstborn in a Mexican family as an openly queer child,
constantly changing schools, and dealing with so many different perspectives on the world.

Music was not just my safe space, it was my escape. Watching all those shows and music videos
—the VMAs, the Grammys, the red carpets—walking down the street and entering different
worlds… I knew as a child that I wanted to exist inside that world. I was already a pretty out-ofthe-norm human to begin with, and the only place where I saw people like me was in the movies, in music videos, in fashion shows.

Honestly, I’m lucky. Even though I had to struggle a bit, I had the privilege of easy access to
participate in that world. Theater gave me a lot of self-awareness and confidence when it was
needed because, let me tell you, 20 years ago, life was not as welcoming for a little trans kid.

But fashion allowed me to be me. It helped me get to know myself more, developing my own sense
of style, whether musically or just as a walking entity. And here we are today! How iconic, ugh!
How delicious! How cunt!

What initially drew you into the fashion industry?

Vogue, theatre and fashion tv. I needed a space to exist and fashion truly gave me that. 

What are some of your favorite items in your closet that you’ll never get rid of?

Omg, all of my Dior pieces and my shoes! I have this beautiful Dior dress from an SS collection
that never made it to the runway. A friend of mine, who was designing alongside Maria Grazia
on her team, gifted it to me.

Let me tell you, I’m a Galliano girl. Galliano-era Dior is like the holy grail of fashion, but there were two collections I really loved. And I’m so happy my friends were real insiders because, I mean, that dress is fabulous. Maybe that’s why it never made it to the runway, lol.

How does your love for fashion and music intertwine with one another?

I love to tell a fully-assembled story. I think the fashion world allows many creatives to explore
and create their own unique stories with a visual point of view. Fashion evokes so many things,
and it’s also how many of us are perceived.

For me, as a musician, fashion allows me to complete my storyline. Music is what I am, and fashion is how I want to express myself, on and off stage. There were so many times I felt heartbroken, and let me tell you, I’d put on a little dress, diamonds or pearls, killer shoes, and my mindset would change completely. And every time that awareness flows, it allows me to write even better music.

Fashion is also a place where people are constantly evolving, and those after-parties are a huge
source of inspiration for me—dancing among all these humans, dressed in their best, going
insane… broken souls or not, we all shared the dancefloor. In this record, I wrote a lot about
being perceived in different ways. I guess you could say fashion and music are intertwined in my
own way of existing.

You recently released your debut EP “Angeltown,” which features 5 pop tracks. Talk to us about the process of creating this project and what it means to you.

This project is like my open diary for the world to see. The process aligned with so many transitions I went through. It not only gave me keys to my own healing, awareness, and resilience—it evolved with me. Each track tells a different story.

If you pay attention, in “The Truth,” the first words I sing are: “My sister fears for her life, my mother has lost her mind, and my daddy is now a killer, he’s chosen to pull the trigger, with a weapon in his mouth, shaped like guilt and sins and pride.” That song was written right after I started my transition and went back to Mexico to change my identity papers.

And yes, all of those things are real. I needed to understand many things, and songwriting has always been my way of processing. For this song specifically, I wanted to turn the storyline into a lullaby—the words are so dark, yet the music is like the sweetest melody on the record. It’s an ode to my inner child, the one who went through darkness. I sing to that angel, who has shapeshifted into this wonderful, honest, and beautifully loving woman today.

And each song represents something completely different. The beautiful thing is that the last song on the project, “Faustian Bargain” was the first one I wrote. I didn’t even think it would make the record, and it ended up being the last one I recorded. There wasn’t a straight path of “This is how I’ll work.” Literally, like a month before sending the project off, I asked my friends to send me some of her vocals to sing with me on the “Lethal Angel” and “She’s bright as the sun” parts. It’s almost comical how this record goes from a dark, stormy night where we face death to a rising sun, where we celebrate choices, confidence, and strength—which is truly how I felt. It all happened in its own time. In short, my diary became my public musical project.

Which song from “Angeltown” is currently on repeat right now?

Omg, all of them! It honestly changes a lot, but I love “I’ve Met Angels” so much because, let
me tell you, out of all the songs I’ve written in my life, that one truly saved me. And I mean that.
But the way “Ezekiel” makes me feel—it’s sexy, mysterious, and divine. And every time I need to
reflect and meditate, “Faustian Bargain” is my go-to. I’m just happy I created a little chapter of
different facets of my many truths.

What has it been like living in Paris? What are some of your favorite local spots to hangout?

Omg, Paris is home, truly. Just walking around the city gives me shivers every time—I’m in awe.
And believe me, I’ve been here a while. This was my escape town, but also my manifestation.
Paris is sexy, messy, artistic, beautiful, and weird.

Honestly, I love going to the parks. Growing up by the ocean, nature was always important to me, and it still is. This is so lame, but I’m at Soho House and Hôtel Costes way too much, more than I’d like to admit. Mostly for the cunty energy, the drinks, and the gym, lol. But really, any brasserie around town does the trick for me. Just a coffee, a ciggy, my beautiful friends—and my baby doggy Anthonina, bien sûr.

Outside of being creative, you’re passionate about activism. What causes are close to your heart, and how do you support them?
I think my existence has a huge red label that reads “political statement”. I didn’t choose that—
the world decided it for me. Even with my own family turning their backs on me. I don’t want to
sound like a victim, but I must tell the truth, because many others like me might not have the
same resilience, support, or strength to face an inhumane world.

The moment you push someone out of their privileged comfort zone, there’s war, chaos. I’m here to bring peace, but you can’t have peace without a fight. I never understood how much of a warrior I was setting myself up to be.
I fight for every child who seeks love, healing, answers, and support. We’re not raising children
—we’re raising adults, and it’s vital to provide the right education, comprehension, and kindness.
We keep failing each other. I hope that with my music, my platform, and being available to talk,
we can spark change. My biggest cause is the awakening of our souls to truly comprehend love.

What do you have planned for the remainder of 2024?
I have a few little secret appearances around the globe—I guess they’re not so secret after this, haha. But my intention is to welcome every angel into my town, with love and genuine connection. We’re also finalizing our tour, short film, and music videos.

We’re working on beautiful things, and great things take time. I believe in quality over quantity, especially in today’s world. Who knows, maybe we’ll have a little kiki in Mexico? We’ll see! Either way, my biggest goal is to be the best me I can be—for me, for my angels, for my world.


Editor-in-Chief: Prince Chenoa

Feature Editor: Taylor Winter Wilson (@taylorwinter)

Photographer: Daniel Topic (@dantopic_photography)

Producer: Gabriel Franco (@gabriel.vidaboa)

Assistant: Robin Labarrere (@robinlabarrere)

Wardrobe Stylist: Jaydena (@jaydena)
Assisted By: Alejandro Cabezas (@alejo.cabezas) & Sofia Ortega (@hallucinons)
Set Design: Antoine Dugrand Castaignede (@antoinedugrandc)
Makeup Artist: Yenny Sith (@makeupyennysith)
Location: L’hotel Particulier Paris (@lhotelparticulier_paris)
Hair Stylist: Tsuyoshi Tamai (@tsuyoshi.tamai)
Nail Technician: Tony Do (@tony_do_paris_nail_artist)
Artist Agent: Nathan Martel (@dazedfrenchboy)

Gimme More POP

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