The Girl’s Guide to Springing Forward
The new year is long gone and spring is here at last. Some people may be on fire — but let’s be real — a lot of us are in need for a spring cleaning. Whether you need to recover from your job, an old flame, friendship, or giving your body the comeback you deserve, these tips will help you rebound right.
The first thing I do is reevaluate the situation. THINK. Shed the idea that this is frightening, negative, or the end of the world. Sometimes it’s all about finding a new outlook and how we perceive this new phase. The end of an experience is really the beginning of something new and potentially great. Remember, in order to grow we must first shed the past and have a positive mindset.
This is where spring cleaning comes into play. Get rid of out-dated thinking, memorabilia, clothing, and makeup. Sell it or donate it (helping others is a sure fire way to heal the soul) and treat yourself to a new look that will have you feeling and radiating confidence. Could be a quick hair color change, discovering a new and fresh makeup vibe, or as easy as getting new shoes – whatever inspires you.
Some people like to take time off when a situation goes south, but I find that diving into my life and work head first is one of the best and motivating distractions there is. Okay, so you lost your job? Now is the time to find a new job that you’re in absolute love with! Revamp your resume and gear it toward whatever it is your looking for in your next chapter. You no longer have the excuse and comfort of your recent workload to fall back on. It’s time for your long anticipated transformation! Put yourself out there, ask around, and don’t let fear of rejection hold you back.
Now that cuffing season is over your boo bailed? No more tears allowed! It’s time to have all of the fun you deserve. Put the junk food down and the tissue box away. Your broken heart (or shattered ego) will all be fixed in time and until then – do everything you wanted to do but found yourself holding back from. Use this opportunity to get close to your girls again, rebuild relationships that you neglected, find new restaurants, kiss a stranger, and fall in love with yourself. Loss teaches us to appreciate the things and people we still have around and now is the time to take advantage.
This brings us to my favorite section… there’s no better revenge than bettering ourselves. Use all that extra time to make your mental and physical health your priority. Get a notebook and write down all of your thoughts – let it all out. We love venting to our friends (we can’t help it really) but freeing your mind on a piece of paper that is for YOUR eyes ONLY is more of a release than you’d think. Documenting your phases, changes, and growth can help you reflect and have insight for future issues as well!
Working out is an unbelievable release during stressful times because not only does it help release endorphin’s making us happy – we also end up looking incredible and feeling confident. The key to getting the body you desire is to be consistent. I recommend getting in at least 3-4 days a week (1 hour sessions) and switching your exercise routine up daily. If the weather permits go for a hike, bike ride, or run. If you’re only able to workout from home. That works too! Get yourself a pair of ankle weights and light-weight dumbbells and get to donkey kicks, squats, and lunges! Whatever you do don’t get discouraged… change takes time and so do the results. Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins and feed your body the proper nutrients to retain muscle. You’ll be so happy you started now and be more than ready for summer.
Look at this with fresh eyes and an open mind. This is the right time for you to reevaluate what went wrong and to bounce back with a positive outlook and more motivated than ever before.
Makeup: Lucky Sin @makeupbylucky