Move Over Kimoji, @DaddyIssues_ Is Launching An Emoji App Called SlayMoji

Violet Benson, who you may also know as Instagram’s favorite comedian, @DaddyIssues_, is excited to bring you SlayMoji, her original line of emoticons. The keyboard arrives this weekend, and features a number of emojis that will surely brighten your life.

“This just made so much sense to me to create as the next step outside of my Instagram,” she says. “It’s for anyone that loves @daddyissues_, Instagram, or memes in general, and wants to have a unique type of keyboard that’s not afraid to talk about dicks, or sex, or getting wine wasted.”

The free app will soon feature upwards of 200 emojis, and Violet says she’ll make changes to the keyboard based on feedback and interest.

“I basically used my vision for every emoji that I wanted and wrote it in an excel spreadsheet from how the emoji should look to the text that should be included with it, and then my app engineer created it,” she explains. “I’m literally obsessed with so many of them, and I totally see myself and my friends using these, which is why I think they’re perfect for everyone else.”

Here’s what the emojis will look like:

Dating_2 copy Dating_7 copy Food_38 Dating_21 Party_10 copy Party_13 copy


Food_4 copy

Very nice.


Check out Violet’s website here for more updates, and download the app here.

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