It definitely has been quite the transition! To go from work days that consisted of being covered in blood running away from a serial killer to being bedazzled in rhinestones as I waltz about….big shift, to say the least!
But I really am loving it so much! In terms of my approach to beauty as it pertains to the job at hand…I let the creative take the lead and inform me of what the story is asking for. I’ve been having a blast bringing new characters to life each week on DWTS, and playing with and experimenting different beauty looks to service the performance we’re giving.
And of course, I’ve been upping the skincare game to give myself some extra support with all of the heavy beauty looks and long show days.
I’m not going to lie…I haven’t been the best at maintaining the highest level of skin/hair care during this process, giving the intensity, demand, and pace of the show! However, I believe the best strategy is hydration—inside and out! Staying on top of water-intake helps a ton, as well as using products for both your skin and hair that keep you moisturized and nourished after those long days of heavy makeup, hairspray, and sweat.
I honestly don’t have a strict method to my madness, haha! Of course, I care about keeping my image clean and appropriate, as I’m aware that I also have a lot of young fans through my work with Disney. But otherwise, I really like to have fun!
I wouldn’t say I have a clear aesthetic, or at least I don’t have an intentional goal for one! I’m a rather eclectic person, and that’s reflected in so many areas of my life, including style, fashion, and beauty. So I enjoy trying different things, switching it up whenever I feel like it. I like the idea of being ever-evolving and never limiting myself to any one aesthetic, so I actively try to allow space for that when it comes to my self-expression.
Since we’re celebrating Halloween today, can you share some of your favorite past Halloween costumes and beauty tips for nailing that perfect spooky look?
Last year, I was a chocolate Hershey’s Kiss, so I dressed up in a silver dress and did a silvery makeup look, which was really fun! I also had a friend who threw an A24 party, and I dressed up as Rachel Sennott’s character Alice from “Bodies Bodies Bodies,”which I was really proud of!
I enjoyed messing around with the fake blood, picking the right mixture of colors and liquid vs coagulated blood, things like that! I think it reminded me of filming PLL, haha!
Honestly, with whoever/whatever you choose to dress up as, my best tip for Halloween tip would be to be prepared (make sure you have what you need in advance to execute your look), have good inspo pics to help guide you, and most of all, give yourself ample time to get ready! I always somehow cut myself short on time but I’m determined to make this year different!
Your character on “Pretty Little Liars” had a distinct style. How did you feel that influenced your personal beauty choices, if at all?
Tabby had this really cool, vintage, edge-prep, masculine style that she pulled off really beautifully, and I’ve definitely drawn inspiration from her in my own personal life. I’m always so grateful to portray a character that presents themselves differently from me because it forces me outside of my comfort zone, which, as they say, is where the magic happens. I think that magic is discovering new things about yourself that you would’ve never identified otherwise, and bringing Tabby to life has been an example of that for me in more ways than one.
Many Gen-Z fans look up to you for beauty inspiration. What’s your take on beauty standards today compared to when you were growing up?
I’m beyond proud to be a part of a generation that so boldly and unapologetically challenges tired, outdated beauty standards and social norms that pertain to self expression, which has ultimately led to a much broader, more inclusive definition of what we consider “beautiful.”
There were so many little things about myself that I would pick apart when I was growing up, not knowing that was a direct result of what I saw (or didn’t see) represented in media. And this is why I hold my spot in the public eye as a responsibility that I don’t take lightly.
I want young girls to see themselves reflected in the media they consume. I want them to know their non-uniform curls, full lips, and melanated skin are so beautiful, and never something they wish they could change. Having once felt that way as a young girl, I’ll do whatever I can to keep anyone from ever feeling that way about themselves.
After a long day of rehearsals or filming, what’s your go-to self-care routine to unwind and rejuvenate?
After a long work day, I try give my mind and body whatever it needs to unwind and recenter, and I’ve found that tends to vary day-to-day. Sometimes I need to make/order my favorite food, turn on a mindless TV show, and just veg out. Other times, I light a candle, listen to soft music, and just do simple chores. I find that sometimes even the most simple tactile tasks, like washing dishes or doing laundry, can be cathartic. ~Sometimes~…Ha!
If you could pick one iconic beauty look from the past that you wish would make a comeback, what would it be?
The frosted eye shadow look of the early 2000s was iconic and is a trend I absolutely think should make a return! It feels elevated and bold, while still maintaining a sense of youthful fun.
How is your artistic creativity disrupting the culture?
Creating art that challenges social norms, confronts antiquated standards, and changes the perception of what’s possible exists at the core of the entertainment industry. As a whole, we’re in a constant strive to foster a more inclusive society and push for representation for every walk of life, and I’m so grateful to be even an itty bitty fraction of that magic.
Even with some of my most recent roles, to be a young black woman standing fully her power, unapologetically herself, is something I didn’t see much of in the media I consumed growing up. Even as a young actor, I remember mostly auditioning for the “best friend” role, as there were significantly less opportunities for young girls who looked like me to lead.
So, quite literally from what was my childhood experience, it feels as though just existing in spaces the way I do today is a disruption of a culture that once did not include me. And I’m proud of that!
What’s your next movie role how are you preparing for it?
I’m not 100% what’s on the horizon for me, but I can definitely say, in terms of preparation, that I need to up my self-care game! My last couple of projects, especially DWTS, has taught me just how important it is to give your heart, mind, and body what it needs to keep going and deliver your best work.
Give life advice to 15-year-old Chandler.
I would tell 15 year old Chandler to embrace change, not resist it…because life is ever-changing, and the sooner you learn that lesson, the more you can meet it with open arms and move through it with acceptance.
As you continue to grow both personally and professionally, how do you see your relationship with beauty evolving in the next few years?
Similarly to what I would tell my younger self, change is a fundamental part of living, and that extends to every part of life. In terms of my future relationship with beauty, I hope to welcome all the changes that come my way. From how my skin and face will shift, how the beauty trends will come and go, how I feel inclined to express myself. I think when you push against something that is inevitably bound to happen, that’s where the frustration and discomfort comes. I really hope to give myself the space (and patience) to be ever-evolving, because that’s how you grow!
Interview By Editor-in-Chief: Prince Chenoa