Blogger Macee Legree’s Fashion Tips for Keeping It 100
Macee Legree is a 25-year-old fashion blogger from Brooklyn and has taken social media by storm.
If you follow her, you know that every post is filled with major slayage thanks to her great taste for clothes and accessories.
Macee dishes advice on spicing up your wardrobe, learning how to walk in heels and much more, so if you’re an upcoming designer, fashion blogger or an enthusiast, check out our interview with her below.
How did you fall in love with the fashion industry?
I fell in love with fashion at a very young age. I loved sewing little dresses on my Barbie dolls. I realized I wanted to pursue it when I went to high school. I went to a high school for fashion design and my passion grew even bigger.
What are your must have items for fall?
My must-have items would be really cool and eclectic hats. I’ve been trying different looks lately and I’ve totally fallen in love with hats. I also love wearing head wraps now so I have been experimenting with different prints to incorporate with my outfits.
What advice do you have for young women looking to join the fashion industry?
My advice to everyone would be: never give up. I know it sounds so cliché but it is the honest truth. I didn’t realize my true passion until I stopped being so negative about things and pushed myself. There is always opportunity out there in the fashion industry. You don’t have to be a millionaire to show your vision to the world. When you showcase your talent, people will notice. Just be positive and never give up.
Why did you become a fashion blogger?
I decided to become a blogger because I knew that was how my talent could be seen. I was stuck on becoming a model for a long time but i realized I wasn’t passionate about it anymore. It didn’t excite me and didn’t allow me to show people how talented I truly was. I knew that being 5’1″ didn’t leave many opportunities open in the modeling world lol. I had to find a different way to express myself, be heard and be seen. I didn’t let anything stop me. I found a way to get myself out there and in the process I found my true passion.
Where are your favorite places to shop?
I love shopping at thrift shops. Most people get rid of clothing because they feel like they can no longer use them. I am a different kind of person. I can turn almost anything into something wearable. I also love eBay.
What are some tips you have for anyone looking to spice up their wardrobe?
My tips for spicing up your wardrobe would be: think outside the box. Sometimes wearing something that others wouldn’t makes a really big statement. When shopping, allow your OWN inner voice to make decisions. At one point, I would wear exactly what was in or what I thought others would like. It is important to just let go of everyone else’s opinions and just express yourself freely. It isn’t about what “they” like. It’s about what you like.
Another tip would be to never hold yourself back when it comes to fashion. I always hear women say “I have no place to wear that.” It doesn’t matter if you have no place to go. If you think something is beautiful, buy it. Wear it anywhere. Wear it to the supermarket, the movies….wear it anywhere, or take a photo in it and be happy lol. You never know when you may need something to wear so its important to always have those things in your closet.
Where do you draw your fashion inspiration or motivation?
I draw my fashion inspiration from so many things. Someday’s it depends on my mood and how I am feeling. I based my style around Kim K when I first began displaying my fashion on social media. At first, It was so much fun recreating her looks but I became really bored with myself lol. I knew I could do more than that so I began to take chances and wear things that I truly loved instead of wearing what was trendy. I think doing so showed people how talented I truly was and it showed that I can also be my own muse instead of constantly drawing inspiration from someone else.
I also draw inspiration from tv. I love watching old shows and classic films. I love Old Hollywood! I sometimes get inspiration from watching things like “I love Lucy”. Lately I have had so much motivation from my boyfriend. He’s constantly sending me photos of things he thinks I would look good in lol. So sometimes my outfits are inspired by things that he loves. He’s also pushed me to take chances and not stick to the same style all the time.
What are some tips to being confident in what you wear?
My tip would be to act confident. Even if you don’t feel confident, act like it. People can always tell when you feel uncomfortable. Its important to wear things with confidence. If you want to wear something a little different, that is your right. Ignoring other peoples opinions is the key to being confident.
What advice do you have for women looking to become their own boss?
My advice for becoming your own boss is to realize that it may not happen right away. In order to become your own boss, sometimes you have to work to get there. Things do not happen right away for everyone. I’ve had so many jobs that I totally hated but I knew where I wanted to be and I knew I had goals so I stuck with it. There is nothing wrong with starting at the bottom. A job is a job. All you have to do is stay focused and keep your goals in mind.
What do you like to do for fun when you aren’t slaying on Instagram?
I am actually a homebody lol. I love being in my house and watching tv. A fun time for me is being in my pajama’s and watching re-runs of my favorite shows, the Jeffersons, I love lucy, martin and the parkers lol. I also love putting outfits together. When im bored, I put looks together and take snapshots of them so I can remember them. It’s so useful for when I need to put something on really quickly. I just look through the photos to get a quick idea. I also love to write.
What company would you like to collaborate with one day and why?
I would love to collaborate with forever 21. I would love to make an affordable line for woman with them. I would also love to one day have my own boutique/ line and collaborate with different designers once a year, especially African American designers to help them get their name out there in the fashion industry.
For someone who hates heels or can’t walk in them to save their life, what advice do you have for them to become a better heel wearer?
I advise women to always invest in flats lol. I learned that comfort is important. If you don’t love heels there is nothing wrong with it. Sometimes I wear flats and change once I get to my destination. I also switch it up. I wear my heels for a few hours and then I change into flats. It is important for all women to invest in a great pair of flats 🙂 Flats can be just as fashionable as a pair of heels. If you are learning to walk in heels I suggest you invest in cushion insoles to take some of the pressure off your feet. I ALSO suggest women to always be consistent. The more you wear your heels the better. As time goes on, they become pretty easy to walk in.
What are your future goals for your personal brand?
My future goals for my brand would involve makeup and clothing. I would love to one day have my own lipstick line. Something dedicated to women of color. I want my lines to be a reflection of who I am. I would love for it to include, head wraps, lipsticks, amazing clothing. Everything that I love.
What’s some of your favorite fashion magazines and why?
I actually don’t read fashion magazines lol. I haven’t read a magazine in a long time. There is so much inspiration and fashion online that magazines seem kind of pointless….unless I was on the cover. I think I would find them quite interesting then!
What’s something about you that your supporters may not know?
I would love for people to know that I am an extremely silly and “odd” person lol. I use the word odd because my personality is not like everyone assumes. I think most people think I am this glamorous, always put together woman but I am the opposite. I am awkward, silly and someday’s my anxiety gets the best of me. I like things that most people wouldn’t. I listen to music that most people in my generation would find strange. I would want people to know that its okay to be different.
How can inspiring fashion bloggers increase their social media influence and popularity?
I think they can increase their popularity by being bold, honest and creative. I think most people follow me because they love to see the things I put together all on my own and they love to see me be fearless and wear whatever I want. I don’t allow peoples opinions of me hold me back.
I think you should also be honest on social media so that people know who you truly are. There are no surprises. I would never claim to be this perfect person because I am not. I have my bad skin days, bad outfits, bad makeup days and I have my “bad” photos out there. It’s important to be up front about who you are. When you accept who you are openly, no one can make you feel bad about it.
How long did it take you to get where you are today?
It took me years to get where I am. Emotionally, physically, every part of me has taken a long time. I went through a lot in my life. Went through depression, and so many other horrible things. Things that girls my age shouldn’t of even had to experience but I did. I got through it and I am the happiest I’ve ever been. It took my years to be confident in myself. Love every part of me, inside and out. Loving yourself isn’t something that happens over night but when it finally happens, It is a beautiful thing.