6 Zany Pizza-Centric Things You Can Buy Right Now

If you are as obsessed with pizza as I am, you’ll know that it’s important to show your love for pizza in more ways than just constantly eating it. But since it may be deemed inappropriate to wear your pizza-printed pajamas in public, we’ve come up with a few things to help you out and show dat love!

1. Best Friends Pizza Enamel Pins 

If you haven’t seen the enamel pin craze that’s been happening in the past few years, you have to have been living under a rock. Many celebs have been seen wearing these adorable little things populating the collar of their favorite leather or denim jacket.

Bonus, if you are into the nostalgia of split-in-half best friend jewelry, AND obsessed with pizza simultaneously, Laser Kitten has got you covered with these BFF pizza pins. Just be careful on the website, because you can’t buy just one!

2. The Pizza Charm Necklace

If you want something a little daintier, or simply can’t share your pizza with anyone (not even your best friend) then check out these tiny little creations by Cute Treats by Jany. Get your fix for tiny little food charms like donuts, cakes, pastries, and of course, PIZZA, in her etsy shop!

3. The DIY Peter Pan Pizza Collar

If you can’t seem to find that perfect pizza-printed dress you’ve always craved (see what I did there?) then you can rest assured that Studio DIY has you covered in ANY style situation you would like to add some special toppings to.

Check this DIY faux-collar painted to look like a pizza! Let Kelly (Owner of Studio DIY) walk you through step-by-step into painting this masterpiece, and then add it under any sweater, dress, t-shirt, etc. to show your true love for pizza.

4. The Animated Pizza T-Shirt

Sure you’ve seen a lot of other shirts with sayings about pizza. But “Touch my butt and give me pizza” is only cute the first 100 times you see it emblazoned across someone’s chesticles.

The question now is, but does anyone you know have an animated pizza t-shirt? No? Well, when your bff shows up wearing her basic little pizza shirt, you can melt her face off wearing this animated pizza t-shirt from Drawsta.

Use Drawsta’s app to view the shirt, and animated images appear! Yes, really! And while her jaw is still on the floor, and her eyes are filled with teary jealousy, you can direct her to Drawsta’s instagram so you can melt more of her face off with all of their other crazy t-shirt creations.

5. Music Video About The Importance of Getting Your Pizza

Partybaby shares our deep love of pizza, so much so, that they made this PSA about what might happen if you wait too long to get some. Oops, I mean, they made this music video to show you that you can burn a lot of calories while running super fast on your way to getting pizza…

Anyway, I think the point of this is to listen to some awesome music, wonder why this chick is running so furiously, and then realize it’s all in the name of cheese & pepperoni. And if you haven’t heard of Partybaby, check their music out at partybabymusic.com

6. Ordering Actual Pizza

There’s no better thing than eating actual pizza, and lucky for us, delivery makes it super easy to get and eat super quickly. I’ve even actually thought about adding “Ordering Pizza” to my resume under my list of special skills because I’ve become so good at it. Plus, is it not super fun to press “order” and watch the little bar move as your pizza is made, goes through the oven, and makes it way to your door?

With modern technology, ordering actual pizza is perhaps almost as much fun as actually eating the pizza itself.

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