Watch Donald Trump Silently Listen to Taylor Swift in the Car

Donald Trump and Taylor Swift have a lot in common.

They’re both white, politically tone deaf, and hated by a vast number of Americans.

But there’s a major difference between them.

Taylor Swift isn’t afraid of jamming out to her own songs in the car. Meanwhile, Donald would rather listen to them silently.

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Recently an old video of Donald listening to “Blank Space” with his son Barron, reportedly filmed by Melania from the backseat of a Rolls Royce in December 2014, resurfaced. It’s exactly as uneventful as it seems.

The video lasts for 19 seconds and absolutely nothing happens in it.

Donald keeps his head focused on the road, staying in his lane, while Barron mostly does the same, until shooting his stepfather a blank look as Taylor Swift faithfully drones on.


Now, as you were.

[H/T Elite Daily]

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