TBT: 16 Insta photos Selena Gomez would never post now

Years before she was the most-followed person on Instagram, Selena Gomez’s Instagram was filled with pictures she would never ever post today.

Mostly because that’s how all Instagrams looked at the time. Nobody cared about looking perfect and goals and posting their content at specific times to maximize their engagement, they just posted whatever they felt like posting whenever they felt like posting.

Because Instagram wasn’t Instagram yet. It was just an app that maybe half of your friends used.

Still, while Selena could have paid somebody to go back and delete every unflattering gram she’s ever posted, or at least hidden them from view, thankfully for all of us Selena kept them up for our TBT viewing pleasure.

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1. A screenshot of a long, heartfelt message to her fans

You matter. I listen..

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These days, if Selena wanted to send a message to her fans, she wouldn’t comment to one fan individually, take a screenshot of a small portion of it, and then put that screenshot through a shitty looking filter before she posted it to her main feed. That’s crazy talk! Now she’d just open up the Notes app on her iPhone and post a screenshot of that.

Although there’s no chance she’d pull the Notes app trick for something as trivial as telling her fans she’s paying attention to them. The Notes app is for damage control only.

If anything, if Selena wanted to let her fans know she was thinking of them today, she’d probably just post a selfie where she’s blowing a kiss and write a short but sweet caption to go along with it.

2. Collages

My babies ☺️ 🙏

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Unless it’s a collection of your most-liked pictures of the year, people don’t really do collages anymore. It’s too much content per frame and it always looks like you’re taking a page out of your high school yearbook.

Today you will see celebs like Selena occasionally post side-by-side split screen posts, but those are usually reserved for birthdays, polaroid party pics, or sappy “OMG can you believe so and so is getting married, it makes me feel some typa way” posts.

And even then celebs will usually just opt for a picture of their friend and them together where the celeb in question still looks undeniably better than the other person. Instagram is an inherently selfish medium.

PS before you even say anything, yes Selena did post a fan collage as recently as last year, but that was before she returned to Instagram with a whole new posting strategy. Plus she was fighting with Justin about who loved their fans more at the time, so you can see how she got a little carried away.

READ ALSO: Justin Bieber continues his tradition of liking & commenting on his exes’ Insta pics

3. A photo of inanimate objects where you really can’t tell what’s going on

Unless you’re an artiste, keep the still lives for your Snapchat. Or your finstagram.

READ ALSO: How to choose the perfect username for your finsta

4. Photos of food that don’t look appetizing

“I Wish You Love” -Frank Sinatra. Tonight.

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While celebs LOVE posting pictures of themselves eating food, especially if it’s from a fast food company that may or may not have paid them to take the picture, they don’t post a lot of pictures of their meal prep.

And if they do, it’s probably on Snapchat.

READ ALSO: 8 foods that were clearly just meant for Instagram

5. Receipts that she’s liking and commenting on her fan’s photos

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Remember 🙂 always

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Today this would be seen as tacky, but back in the day this was one of Selena’s fav moves to show her fans how much she cared.

6. Pictures where it looks like she could be drinking something other than water out of a water bottle

🎄 flo’s Santa ❤💚 #HoHo

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Even though Selena is many years older than she was when this photo was taken, today this picture would be considered just a little too escandalo for a celebrity who’s the public face for so many public companies.

7. Any booze photo that doesn’t look at least kinda classy

Baby, I miss u @chaelynne it’s not la without u 😘

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Yes, Selena will still post pictures with booze in the frame, but if she actually drinking from the glass it would have to look as brand safe as possible.

READ ALSO: What Selena’s lyrical drink choices say about how she ticks

8. Religious stuff about sex

Man, vine has become more and more about inspiring. SO thankful for people like this. ESPECIALLY men. ❤

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Religion may be “cool” again, but this is just plain weird.

9. An unexplained review about somebody else’s album

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Seriously this is so random. She would probs not even post this on her finsta today.

10. Sexy stills from somebody who’s not her BFF’s music video

Them is EVERYTHING tho 🙌 allofme

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

This is more Tumblr material than Insta-worthy.

11. Random *arty* pictures of shoes


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If only the caption had been, “before you judge me, walk a mile in these.”

12. Highlighted bible verses that look like they were taken on a flip phone


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Again, religion is generally seen as less corny than it used to be, but these days Selena keeps her religion-grams confined to her trips to Hillsong.

READ ALSO: Inside Hillsong, the trendy church that counts Justin Bieber as a member

13. A black and white picture of a water bottle

I’m made in.. #homesweethome

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

Yes hydration is important, but is it this important?

READ ALSO: 16 celebs who swear their biggest beauty tip is drinking water

14. A poorly lit selfie

Procrastination at its finest. This is me reading all your lovely/hilarious tweets before bed.

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

If people can’t see your face, how can you expect them to smash that like button?

15. A super arty selfie with a very myspace caption

Under the stars s(he) took my hand and said..

A post shared by Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) on

If your selfie looks like it’s been run through one hundred trillion filters, it makes it look like amateur hour.

16. A selfie with somebody’s hand in the way

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Although to use language Selena probably knows intimately well, let she among us without Instagram sin be the first to condemn.

Gimme More POP

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