Rihanna’s the first woman to break top 5 on the charts since Taylor Swift

To hear Rihanna’s new song “Wild Thoughts,” is to fall so head over heels in love with it.

It’s the kind of song that makes you want to keep pressing repeat until somehow, through a miracle in the time space continuum, your flesh and bones actually fuses with the song and you become “Wild Thoughts.”

Which explains why “Wild Thoughts” debuted at Number 4 on Billboard’s Hot 100 chart, which gives Rihanna the honor of saying she’s the first woman to break the top 5 in almost three months, ending the longest women-less drought since 1972.

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Up until this week, the last woman to crack the top 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 was Taylor Swift, back when she and Zayn could be heard singing about how they didn’t want to live forever on the radio.

But since then? Nothing.

And it wasn’t for lack of trying. Hell, Katy Perry tried so hard she put out three singles ahead of her “Witness” release date and she still couldn’t pop off a proper banger.

Billboard notes that “Wild Thoughts” is only the 7th track featuring a woman to crack the top 5 on the charts this year, representing a 30% decrease from 2016.

But there’s still plenty of 2017 left.

Come on, ladies. Take advantage of Rihanna’s momentum and let’s take back the charts, kay?

READ ALSO: Something’s up with Katy Perry

[H/T Billboard]

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