Oprah Finally Realized She Could Be President

I think after our current President’s unfortunate win, we all realized that just about anybody can run for prez.

But now, it’s become clear anyone could do it — leaving the office wide open for Oprah Winfrey, who is beyond qualified.

Oprah previously thought she couldn’t hold political office. She even said to Late Show host Stephen Colbert that it wouldn’t happen, saying, “Never! It’s not my thing.” So the chances of her changing her mind were pretty slim to none.

Until now.

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In a recent interview with Bloomberg’s David Rubenstein, Oprah revealed a change of heart about her stance on whether or not she would run for president.

“I actually never thought that that was – I never considered the question, even a possibility,” she said to Rubenstein.

READ ALSO: Black Women Who Slayed History: Oprah Winfrey

Now that a reality TV star is president, Oprah is rethinking things a bit.

“I [had] thought, Oh, gee, I don’t have experience. I don’t know enough. I don’t,” she said in the interview. “And now I’m thinking, ‘Oh. Oh!'”

Look, her experience compared to Trumps has got him beat by a long run. So even though I would prefer an experienced person of politics to be my next president, I would much rather Oprah be the Lady Potus than Agent Orange any day.

READ ALSO: 28 Black Women Who Slayed History

Since we all recognize that you don’t really need government experience to run for president, we might see a political future in Ms. Winfrey’s future.

How does President Oprah Winfrey sound?


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