This Retailer Got Caught Photoshopping Its Clothes

Have you ever ordered something online, only when it got to your apartment or house it looked… different?

That’s because in addition to Photoshopping their models, retailers Photoshop their clothes too.

Or at least Net-A-Porter does.

Who knew clothes were under pressure to look like their slimmest most Instagram-worthy selves too?

READ ALSO: This Blog Catches Celebs Who Photoshop Their Instagrams

Yesterday, Net-A-Porter accidentally uploaded a photo of a puffy coat with retouching notes on their website.

And what was wrong with the puffy coat?

It looked too darn puffy!

All the notes were the same: “Please, slim.”


A few hours later, Net-A-Porter realized their mistake and switched out the picture, but by then it was too late.

In response, Net-A-Porter told Cosmo, “We post images that accurately represent the garments so that customers receive the product they expect. This image was uploaded to our product page in error and the notes refer exclusively to the garments.”

Right, but like, how would Photoshopping a coat make it look more like the product customers would receive?

If the coat looks extra puffy when a model’s wearing it, that’s just how it looks.

Moral of the story?

Online shopping is a whole lot more sus than you ever imagined.

[H/T Cosmopolitan]

Gimme More Fashion

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