Having Lots of Tattoos Might Be Bad For Your Bod

For as long as there have been tattoos, science has debated whether or not they’re good for the body.

And there’s actually a ton of evidence in favor of tatts. Outside of the feel-good benefits of your body’s natural response to pain (way to go adrenaline and endorphin), tattoos are supposed to improve self-image and help arthritis. Some cultures apparently practiced medicinal tattooing. Plus, they’re supposedly good for the immune system, too.

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But according to a recent study, tattoo ink affects the way your skin sweats. Tattooed skin sweats 50% less than non-tattooed skin and the sodium in the sweat is more concentrated. Usually, your skin is supposed to reabsorb some of that sodium but apparently tattoo ink messes that up.

While this may not totally matter for people with small tattoos here or there, people with sleeves or larger pieces are gonna find it more difficult to cool down or hold onto certain nutrients. And this is especially a big deal for people with heavy workloads or who work in hot environments.

While it doesn’t come as much of a shock considering the many health risks associated with tattoos, 50% of Americans have at least one tattoo currently so will that stop any of us from inking our bodies? I sincerely doubt it. But it’s something to consider anyway if you’re on the fence.

READ MORE: 9 Dope Female Tattoo Artists You Need To Follow On Instagram

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