Kate Hudson and Nicole Richie Forgot to Work Out This Week Too

New Year’s resolutions are recipes for disaster, and yet, year after year we continue to set ourselves up for failure.

But don’t worry because Kate Hudson and Nicole Richie haven’t been keeping up with their resolutions either.

READ ALSO: 7 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Set You Up For Failure

Clad in winter weather workout gear, Nicole yells, “Day 5” at the camera and tries to get Kate and stylist Jamie Mizrahi, both of whom would rather be spending quality alone time with their phones, to do the same.

But thanks to the caption — “when you’re on day 1 but you wanna fit in. #resolutions — it’s clear that this whole “Day 5” business is a ruse.

Stars, they’re just like us.

[H/T Vogue]

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