Hannah Davis Reacts To Her New SI Swim Cover


CONGRATS HANNAH DAVIS!!!! The cover is perfection and makes us wish we could be as cute as you standing in a bikini in the middle of a farm.  We have so many questions though. Is milkmaid the new mermaid? Wasn’t it cold? Wonder if she stepped in any cowpies? Slather me in manure and call me Old McDonald because Hannah is working it and her sassy smile is definitely the best part (second only to that teeny tiny bikini and perfect blonde lob). Even better is her reaction video. Apparently, two year SI rookie turned cover star didn’t know she was slated to be splashed across news stands everywhere, as if the nature babe had any competition!! X’s and O’s go out to our favorite rookies of the year, Erin Heatherton and Ashley Smith. Maybe one of them will be next year’s SI cover star. But right now, we are feeling the farmer’s daughter fantasy super hard, fueled by this shoot and Hannah’s Insta. Follow away for more of 2015’s number one bikini baddie!

Gimme More POP

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