Fans Say Erika Jayne Got Slut Shamed on DWTS

Erika Jayne did not have the best debut on Dancing With the Stars, and some people seem pretty convinced that’s because the judges were slut shaming her.

But did they?

Let’s explore.

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Even though Dancing With the Stars revolves around people running around in skimpy, sequin-covered dance costumes, it’s still a show about ballroom dancing.

And ballroom dancing is something conservative ass people like to do when they’re feeling buck wild.

Now Erika Jayne, of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills fame, is not conservative.

She’s sexy, she knows it, and it’s fabulous.

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So to give the fans what they want, her first routine for DWTS highlighted this strength of hers.

But here’s the thing.

As you may expect from a celebrity who’s not already a professional dancer or gymnast, while Erika Jayne’s first routine was sexy, it was not filled with great dancing.

So the judges being judges, they told her as much.

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Head old judge Len Goodman said, “I know the salsa’s a sort of a sexy dance. For me, it was a little bit too raunchy, but I am what I am.”

Meanwhile the ex-Fly Girl judge said, “I’d like to see in the future you go out of your comfort zone, because you were definitely in your comfort zone. But I’d like to see a little bit more of the elegant side next week, so well done.”

And Julianne Hough, a.k.a. Sandy from Grease Live, remarked, “You are out here trying to show that women should embrace their sensuality and that it’s OK and it’s amazing.”


Not quite slut shamey, right?

Still, people pointed out that every other woman was dressed like a thot and some guys didn’t even have their shirts on and yet they weren’t criticized for being “too raunchy.”

Right because trying to slut-shame other contestants is a great way to make a point about how slut-shaming is wrong.

Honestly, the only comment that even verges on slut shamey territory is when an old white guy told her the dance was “too raunchy,” but that’s not slut shaming, that’s just some ballroom dance expert saying Erika Jayne was not great at salsa.

But don’t take my word for it.

Watch her performance for yourself.

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