A Bunch of Germans Laughed in Ivanka Trump’s Face

Poor Ivanka Trump! All she wants to do is low-key attain global domination and look fresh and aspirational while doing so.

But in Germany today, she basically got laughed out of an international summit on women’s entrepreneurship.

First, she was asked about her father’s policies re: women and families. It didn’t take time for the boos and hisses to build.

“He’s been a tremendous champion of supporting families and enabling them to thrive,” she said, and one guy in the audience made a sound as if someone had punched him in the gut. Soon enough, other people joined in.

She tried to keep talking about a scary-sounding “new reality” facing America’s families (uhhh does she mean the Trump’s era?). But the moderator interrupted to say, “You’ve heard the reaction from the audience?”

She also went on to blame the media for hating on her, and we all know how smart people who do that are.

READ ALSO: Stop Blaming Things on the Media to Sound Smart

This vid from Politico has the most crisp and satisfying “boo” noises.

And just check out her body language in the larger video below. Yikes!


Did you ever think you’d live to see the day when Germans were the chillest people around, politically speaking? 2017 is weird, man.

READ ALSO: Ivanka Trump Is Bad at Instagram

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