This Bill Cosby juror said a victim was asking for it cuz she wore a crop top

How many times do we have to clarify that no girl deserves to be raped because of the way she is dressed? And in no way does a girl dressing a certain way justify a guy forcing sex on her?

Well, clearly we haven’t said it enough, because one of the jurors in the Bill Cosby trial said that he thought Andrea Constand should have been “dressed properly” when hanging out with Bill Cosby if she didn’t want shady shit to go down.

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The trial resulted in a mistrial because two jurors (out of 12) felt that Cosby was not guilty. The juror who spoke with the Philadelphia Inquirer to talk about Constand’s attire did not say how he voted – but we can guess!

So, how was Constand dressed improperly? Well, previous to the incident where the alleged assault took place, she showed up to Cosby’s home wearing a top with her midriff exposed – clearly the mark of a harlot – according to Cosby’s deposition. Constand denied that this incident ever happened.

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But the thing is, even if she showed up butt-naked, that doesn’t make it okay to force physical contact on someone – especially if they’re under the influence.

The juror also thought it was sus that Constand brought over a gift of incense to Cosby’s house in a previous instance. Because apparently he’s under the impression that if you give someone a gift, it means you want to bang them. I’m sure he does great with the ladies!

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In a very Brock Turner-esque fashion, the juror said he believed that Cosby has “has paid dearly” for the accusations already.

The mistrial of this case is tragic, especially when so many other women came forward. But, when you see assholes like this juror slut-shaming women like Constand to news outlets, you remember why women don’t come forward about sexual assault in the first place.


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