These Beauty Products Can Actually Hide Your Hangover
Welcome to 2017 — where hopefully all kinds of shit will be better, including your recovery time from your gross 2016 hangover, or any hangover you’ll have in 2017 — since you know, your inability to digest tequila is probably one thing that won’t change.
Check these six killer beauty products to hide those tell-tale signs that you’ve just had the best night ever from your boss…
1. Ogee Hyrdaganics Daily Facial Cleansing Cloths
Everyone knows it’s super gross to fall asleep with your makeup on, plus even more gross to leave makeup imprints on your pillow (i.e. the beloved “pillow Picasso”) — so take the night off with these cleansing cloths, made from 94% certified organic ingredients, so you can trust it will be gentle and not scrape off a cell of your natural beauty.
2. Frank Body Lip Scrub and Balm
Chances are, even though you’ve had plenty of cocktails all night, your lips are dry AF because of that awesome matte lip color you wore. But if you don’t scrub the remnants off and put on a great lip balm, you’ll be wearing pieces of dead lip skin for days. This one from Frank Body smells like coffee (like everything they make), and the balm is literally the best thing you’ll ever experience without having to use straight up vaseline. And bonus, the packaging is like, super cute.
3. DNARenewal Restoring Mask
Who knows what kind of weird things your skin was exposed to in that club with the rando hookah bar inside of it, so even after you’ve scrubbed and cleansed, this mask will restore and repair to keep you looking fab. Plus, it feels nice and cold in a super refreshing way. It’s also rumored to fix sun damage, so this one’s for you, little sun worshipers!
4. Ogee Seeds of Youth Serum
Wrinkles probably aren’t a thing for most of us yet, but girl, it’s never too early to start preventative care — and with this one, it’s all natural and super light, and it’ll keep you from having to break the bank when you realize one morning you need a ridiculous amount of botox from the years of NOT using a wrinkle serum.
5. SHHH Silk Pillowcase
Once you’re finally ready to rest that pretty head of yours, this one is a no brainer — you’ve probably even heard that the Kardashian’s have silk pillowcases, which means, duh you need one. Silk pillowcases are said to help reduce wrinkles and also reduce hair breakage for you blondies out there. Plus, bonus, it feels super awesome to sleep on. This brand has super cute marble prints, and you can get your initials embroidered on them for an extra cute touch. You can also order silk sleep masks and caps to go with your pillowcase — so you can be pretty, and matchy-matchy.